RDP 9509: Australian Wage and Price Inflation: 1971–1994 Appendix A: Imperfect Competition Model of Inflation
November 1995
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This appendix solves a simple imperfect competition model of inflation of the Layard/Nickell tradition.
Price Equation
Wage Equation
Where p, w, U, pe and ϕ are the price level, average wage, unemployment rate, expected price level and productivity with lower case variables in logs. The shift variables for the wage and price equations are zp and zw respectively.
Eliminate the real wage from (A1) and (A2):
Long-run unemployment rate or NAIRU when ΔU = 0 and p − pe = 0:
Deviations from NAIRU:
Eliminate unemployment from (A1) and (A2):
Long-run real wage when ΔU = 0 and p − pe = 0:
Deviation from long-run real wage:
The Impact Of Shocks On Unemployment and Real Wage
Effect of wage shock on NAIRU and long-run real wage:
which is
zero if firms price independently of demand and, therefore, β1 = 0.
Effect of price shock on NAIRU and long-run real wage:
Effect of productivity shock on the NAIRU and long-run real wage: