RDP 2002-02: Australian Use of Information Technology and its Contribution to Growth Appendix A: Industry-level Contributions to Growth

Table A1: Industry-level Contributions to Growth
  Agriculture   Mining   Manufacturing   EGW   Construction   Wholesale trade   Retail trade   Accommodation   Transport   Communications   Finance   Cultural
1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001 1991–95 1996–2001
Output growth −1.51 6.40   4.10 4.89   0.71 2.46   2.28 2.00   0.43 1.64   1.91 4.56   2.23 3.82   2.63 3.97   3.19 3.49   9.09 10.32   1.43 4.91   2.65 4.10
Contributions from:
IT capital 0.15 0.25   0.18 0.20   0.65 1.10   0.72 1.54   0.61 0.57   1.06 1.11   0.96 1.05   0.80 0.80   0.95 0.90   1.68 2.44   2.15 3.60   1.11 1.25
Hardware 0.11 0.18   0.06 0.16   0.32 0.91   0.42 1.39   0.31 0.37   0.36 0.67   0.51 0.81   0.38 0.64   0.52 0.63   0.55 2.07   0.89 1.66   0.49 1.08
Software 0.04 0.07   0.12 0.04   0.33 0.19   0.30 0.15   0.30 0.20   0.70 0.44   0.45 0.24   0.42 0.16   0.43 0.27   1.13 0.37   1.26 1.94   0.62 0.17
Other capital −0.78 −0.53   2.27 2.74   −0.08 0.66   −0.09 0.14   −0.06 0.09   −0.43 −0.35   0.08 0.13   0.18 0.91   0.13 0.25   1.19 2.22   −0.35 −0.13   1.83 3.78
Labour hours −0.54 0.14   −0.66 −0.49   −1.38 −0.54   −1.32 −0.88   0.00 2.08   −0.23 0.22   0.91 1.04   2.88 3.16   0.23 1.20   0.94 1.61   −1.59 0.91   2.14 1.01
MFP −0.34 6.54   2.31 2.44   1.52 1.24   2.97 1.20   −0.12 −1.10   1.51 3.58   0.28 1.60   −1.23 −0.90   1.88 1.14   5.28 4.05   1.22 0.53   −2.43 −1.94
Income shares:
Hardware 0.63 0.63   0.25 0.45   1.35 2.44   1.80 3.71   1.15 1.58   1.45 2.20   1.59 2.62   1.21 1.91   2.56 2.39   2.62 3.63   4.56 4.75   1.69 2.67
Software 0.19 0.31   0.54 0.55   1.66 1.71   1.27 1.49   1.34 1.48   3.18 3.44   2.17 2.02   2.18 1.80   2.15 2.06   5.56 5.58   5.60 6.98   2.82 2.48
Other capital 55.33 55.21   71.38 73.47   33.05 34.30   61.66 68.67   19.02 18.89   23.85 19.93   16.39 11.83   18.78 19.77   30.46 29.59   38.72 41.42   29.90 27.40   38.18 35.11
Labour 43.85 43.85   27.83 25.53   63.94 61.55   35.27 26.13   78.49 78.05   71.52 74.43   79.85 83.53   77.83 76.52   64.83 65.96   53.10 49.36   59.94 60.87   57.31 59.74
Growth of inputs:
Hardware 22.75 28.52   14.62 47.61   24.46 41.10   21.63 36.08   24.72 25.11   21.40 35.87   31.21 33.20   33.04 37.07   20.94 26.91   21.69 58.38   17.15 34.41   27.57 45.35
Software 21.44 22.01   21.40 16.13   21.22 16.42   21.52 12.58   22.10 15.96   21.29 16.14   21.42 16.16   20.61 15.61   21.14 14.13   20.96 11.59   21.83 27.41   22.30 14.43
Other capital −0.56 −0.87   3.28 3.88   −0.46 1.20   −0.25 0.64   0.93 0.24   −2.17 −2.76   −0.54 −3.05   2.15 5.50   0.31 1.96   2.04 4.95   1.70 −0.34   5.78 11.28
Labour −1.36 0.42   −2.36 −1.93   −2.06 −0.85   −3.76 −2.71   −0.13 2.61   −0.33 0.28   1.15 1.23   3.69 4.12   0.41 1.84   1.83 3.29   −2.66 1.53   3.72 1.68

Note: Dates used are financial year periods, e.g., 1991–95 indicates 1990/91–1994/95.