RDP 2007-12: Dynamic Pricing and Imperfect Common Knowledge 3. A Simple General Equilibrium Model
December 2007
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This section presents a simple general equilibrium model where marginal cost is determined by both endogenous and exogenous factors and describes how the model can be solved. The economy consists of households who supply labour and consume goods, firms that produce differentiated goods and set prices, and a central bank that sets the nominal interest rate. Households are subject to economy-wide shocks to their (dis)utility of supplying labour.[8] The labour supply shock is not directly observable by firms but influences the marginal cost of production. In addition to the labour supply shock and the level of production, firms' marginal costs are also affected by firm-specific wage bargaining shocks and firms cannot, by direct observation, distinguish between the economy-wide labour supply shock and the idiosyncratic bargaining shock. By the same logic as in the previous section, firms then have to form higher-order expectations of the average marginal cost in order to set prices optimally.
This section also formalises the assumption that rational expectations are common knowledge, which simply means that firms and households do not make systematic mistakes given their information sets, and that all firms and households know that all firms and households know, and so on, that all firms and households form rational expectations. This assumption will impose sufficient structure on higher-order expectations to allow the model to be solved.
3.1 The Model
In what follows, lower-case letters denote log deviations from steady-state values of the corresponding capital letter. The representative household maximises
where: Nt is the aggregate labour supply in period t;
δt is a demand shock with zero mean and variance
and β is the discount rate. Ct is the usual
CES consumption aggregator
and λt is a shock to the disutility of supplying labour which is the sum of a persistent component ξt and a transitory component ηt:
The persistent component follows an AR(1) process
Firm j produces the differentiated good Yt(j) using a linear technology with labour as the sole input
The absence of a storage technology and imposing market clearing implies that aggregate consumption will equal aggregate production
where the standard CES aggregator is used again. The Euler equation of the representative household then implies the IS-equation
where δt is a demand shock with zero mean and variance
and it is the nominal interest rate. The normative question
of how policy should respond to shocks when firms have private information
is interesting and is treated by Adam (2006) and Lorenzoni (2007). The focus
here is not on the role of monetary policy, and we let the short interest rate
follow the simple Taylor-type rule
In the original formulation of the Taylor-rule (Taylor 1993), monetary policy is set as a function of inflation and the output gap, rather than actual output. The slightly different form of the rule (23) is motivated by modelling convenience; by letting the interest rate respond to the same variables that firms can observe, it is not necessary to include the interest rate in firms filtering problem since it does not hold independent information about the labour supply shock λt (which partly determines the output gap). The results below should be robust to different formulations of the monetary policy rule, as long as the interest rate does not reveal the labour supply shock λt perfectly.
The marginal cost of firm j is the real wage paid at firm j, which is determined by the labour supply decision of households
and a firm-specific wage bargaining shock εt(j). The bargaining shock introduces an idiosyncratic component to firms' marginal costs. Firm j's marginal cost is
since yt = ct = nt. Firm j's marginal cost is thus determined by aggregate output yt, the labour supply shock λt, and the idiosyncratic bargaining shock εt(j). The bargaining shock is meant to capture, in a stylised way, the empirical finding that a significant part of the variation in average wages at the firm level appears to be firm specific and uncorrelated to industry-wide changes (see Martins 2003).
The timing of the model is as follows. First, the labour supply shock λt is realised. Then, firms and households bargain over wages, where real wages are contracted in the form
where ωt(j) = λt + εt(j). Firms cannot, by direct observation, distinguish between the economy-wide shock to labour supply and the firm-specific bargaining shock. They only observe the sum of the two, ωt(j), as well as the component dependent on output, (γ + φ)yt. The latter can be interpreted as a contract specifying higher hourly wages for (aggregate) overtime. Firms set prices before production takes place and they do not know their own marginal cost with certainty when prices are chosen, but have to form an expectation of what the aggregate output level will be. They will also need to form higher-order expectations of the current average marginal cost and current and future price levels. When prices are set, households choose labour supply and consumption simultaneously. The interest rate and the demand shock are then realised. It is natural to assume that households know the labour supply shock with certainty, and we further assume that there is no information sharing between households and firms. Firm j's information set when setting the price in period t is thus defined by
3.2 Expectations and Common Knowledge of Rationality
In the two extreme examples in the previous section, firms had no private information and firms' first-and higher-order expectations of marginal cost thus coincided. This is not true in the general case, so first-and higher-order expectations must be treated as separate objects. The fundamental process driving marginal cost in the model is the unobservable economy-wide labour supply shock λt, and firms need to form higher-order expectations about this process to set prices optimally. Due to Calvo-pricing, the price-setting decision is forward-looking and firms therefore need to form separate expectations (and higher-order expectations) of the persistent labour supply shock component ξt and the transitory component ηt. To simplify notation, the two components of the labour supply shock are collected in the vector xt
Common knowledge of rational expectations imposes sufficient structure on expectations to solve the model. Before formalising this notion, the concept of a hierarchy of expectations needs to be defined.
Definition 1: Let firm j's hierarchy of expectations of xt from order l to m be the vector
In the solution strategy, the hierarchy of expectations of current labour supply shock is treated as the ‘fundamental’ variable, or the state, of the model. We want to be able to write any order of expectation of the endogenous variables – inflation and output – as functions of the hierarchy from order zero to infinity. To this end, the following assumption is imposed on higher-order expectations.
Assumption 1: It is common knowledge that agents'
expectations are rational (model consistent). Let be a mapping from the hierarchy of expectations of xt in period t to the expected hierarchy of expectations
in period t+1
Common knowledge of rational expectations then implies that
Let be a mapping from the hierarchy of expectations of xt in period t to the endogenous variable zt
Common knowledge of rational expectations then implies that
Assumption 1 is a natural generalisation of the assumption of rational expectations
in a common information setting to the private information
The mapping represents the actual law of motion for the contemporaneous expectations hierarchy.
The first part of Assumption 1 simply states that firms use the actual law
of motion of the hierarchy to form expectations of future values of the hierarchy
and that this is common knowledge. The second part makes the same statement
about expectations of variables that are functions of the hierarchy of labour
supply shock expectations.
For something to be common knowledge, it is not enough that it is commonly believed, it must also be true. Setting k = 1 in Equations (31) and (33) makes firms' expectations rational. That Equations (31) and (33) apply to all k ≥ 0 makes it common knowledge, so that all firms know that all firms know, and so on, that all firms have rational expectations.
Since the model is linear, the mappings and
will be linear functions. This means that it does not matter whether Assumption
1 is imposed directly on average expectation hierarchies or the assumption
is on individual firms' expectations before taking averages. The practical
purpose of Assumption 1 is the same as the standard rational expectations assumption
in full information models: it allows all terms involving inflation expectations
to be substituted out from the Phillips curve (6). Inflation can then be expressed
as a function of the state of the model, that is, the hierarchy of expectations
of the current labour supply shock.
3.3 Solving the Model
The model is solved by an iterative version of the method of undetermined coefficients. Conjecture (and verify in Appendix B) that the hierarchy of labour supply shock expectations follows the vector autoregression:
The hierarchy of expectations is the state of the model and in Appendix B it is
demonstrated that Assumption 1 provides enough structure on higher-order expectations
to find the law of motion (34). The main intuition behind the method is that
the actual, or zero-order, expectation is given exogenously. The first-order
expectation is pinned down by being a rational expectation of the zero-order
expectation. Common knowledge of rationality can then be applied to recursively
determine the law of motion for higher-order expectation, so that the second-order
expectation is a rational expectation of the first-order expectation, the third-order
expectation is a rational expectation of the second-order expectation, and
so on. The Kalman filter plays a dual role in this process. Not only is it
used by firms to estimate the average expectation hierarchy, but since this
hierarchy is made up of the average of the very same estimates, it will also
determine the law of motion of the hierarchy, that is, determine the matrices
M and N in the conjectured law of motion
For a given M in the law of motion (34), output and inflation can be found as functions of the current state of the expectation hierarchy of the labour supply shock xt. We want a solution in the following form
in which case the dynamics of inflation and output are completely characterised by Equations (36) and (37) together with the law of motion (34).
3.3.1 Output
Households know the labour supply shock with certainty and form rational expectations about future output and expected real interest rates. Together with the conjectured form of the solved model, Equations (34)–(37) allow the output Euler Equation (22) to be rewrittten as
where the Taylor-type rule (23) was used to substitute out the nominal interest rate. The fact that households know the actual labour supply shock with certainty means that expected output and the real interest rate are functions of the complete hierarchy of expectations. Matching coefficients in Equation (38) implies that the vector d must satisfy the identity
3.3.2 Inflation
In the model, prices are set before output is realised, and since marginal cost depends on aggregate output, firms have to form an expectation of aggregate output. We can use the rationality assumption and the marginal cost function (25) to get firm j's expectations of its own marginal cost
Taking averages across firms yields an expression for the average expectation of firms' own marginal cost
since ∫ωt(j) = λt. Invoking common knowledge of rational expectations yields a general expression for a k-order expectation of firms' marginal cost
Using the conjectured law of motion for the hierarchy of expectations (34) and inflation (36) and Equation (42) to write all terms in the Phillips curve (6) as functions of the expectation hierarchy of xt implies
since λt = 11×2xt. Equating coefficients implies that the vector c must satisfy
The row vectors a and b are given directly by Equation (43)
3.4 Finding a Fixed Point
Solving the model implies finding a fixed point for c, d, M and N. The derivations above involve expectations of up to infinite order, which is problematic since in practise we cannot solve the model using infinite dimensional vectors and matrices. To obtain an approximation that can be made arbitrarily accurate, we exploit the fact that the impact of expectations is decreasing as the order of expectation increases. Intuitively, the magnitude of a price-setter's response to a unit change in his expectation of marginal cost or future inflation is decreasing as the order of expectation increases. In Phillips curve (6) this can be seen from the fact that the term raised to the power of the order of expectation k, (1 − θ)k, is smaller than one. As k becomes large, this term approaches zero. Together with the fact that the unconditional variance of expectations cannot increase as the order of expectation increases, an arbitrarily accurate solution can be found by including a sufficiently large but finite number of orders of expectations in the state of the model.[11]
In practise, the model is solved by guessing a candidate number k* of how many orders of expectations to include. A fixed
point for the model with as the state vector can then be found by
direct iteration on Equations (38) and (44) and the expression for M
and N in Appendix B. After a solution
has been found, we check whether adding one more order of expectations and
re-solving the model, with
as the state, changes the impact of a shock
to marginal cost on inflation enough to motivate, including higher orders of
expectations. Once we are satisfied with the accuracy of the solution, we can
simulate the model using Equations (34), (36) and (37).
Such a shock is estimated in a full information setting in Smets and Wouters (2003). [8]
The full information rational expectations assumption is nested in Assumption 1.
To see this, set and let
be the exogenous process (16) and
the function that maps the state into an
endogenous outcome.
The Kalman filter plays a similar dual role in Woodford (2002). [10]
That the variance of higher-order expectations cannot increase with the order of
the expectation is implied by common knowledge of rationality. To see why,
define a kth-order expectation error as . The error
must be orthogonal
is a rational expectation of
. The fact that
and that variances
are non-negative yields the desired result.