RDP 2013-11: Issues in Estimating New-Keynesian Phillips Curves in the Presence of Unknown Structural Change Appendix A: Relevant Instruments
September 2013 – ISSN 1320-7229 (Print), ISSN 1448-5109 (Online)
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Setting means to zero, the system used is:
where the shocks εjt are uncorrelated with one another and not autocorrelated. It is known that the solution to this system would have the form (for inflation and potential output):
Substituting Equation (A4) into Equation (A1) and taking the expectation we get:
Gathering terms in Equation (A6) produces:
. Substituting for rt
from Equation (A3) we get:
where .
Leading πt from Equation (A8) and substituting for xt+1 from Equation (A5) gives
Substituting from Equation (A5) again we get:
where b1 = a1 + a2ϕ4, b2 = a2ϕ5, b3 = a3 + a2ϕ6, ξt+1 = ηt+1a2v2t+1. Now using Equation (A3) for rt in Equation (A9) we get:
where d1 = b1 +b3λ3, d2 = b2 + b3λ2, d3 = b3λ1, ζt+1 = ξt+1 + b3ε3t. Now replace πt by Equation (A8):
where f1 = d1a1, f2 = d1a2 + d2, f3 = d1a3 + d3 and et+1 = d1ηt + ζt+1. Hence πt+1 does not depend on xt−1 and so the latter is not an instrument.