RDP 2013-11: Issues in Estimating New-Keynesian Phillips Curves in the Presence of Unknown Structural Change 2. The Model and Estimators
September 2013 – ISSN 1320-7229 (Print), ISSN 1448-5109 (Online)
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We will be working with the simple three-equation system that is a basic construct of the NK framework. These equations are:
where πt is inflation, xt is the log of
output (or real marginal cost) and rt is the nominal interest
rate. The parameter s = α + γ
is the sum of the coefficients on πt−1
in the Phillips curve. Over-bars mean
equilibrium solutions.
The only two equilibrium values that are assumed to change are the inflation target,
, and the log of potential output,
. One can re-express the equations above
in terms of the deviations of variables from their equilibrium values, which
is how the NK system is generally presented. It is known that when
vary one might expect the parameters
of the NKPC, Equation (1), to be dependent on these quantities, and so be changing
as well – see Ascari (2004) and Cogley and Sbordone (2008). Although
our solution algorithm also allows for the parameters to be indexed by time,
we want to focus on how changing equilibrium values affect the estimators of
the NKPC coefficients, as that has been the focus in the literature.
We can think of two possible IV estimators of the Phillips curve in Equation (1).
The first – called the restricted IV estimator (RE) – works with
the reparameterised equation (where the term {γ(
− πt+1)
ε1t} is the error term):
As there are three coefficients to be estimated, c1, γ and δ, we need at least three instruments. Variables that are uncorrelated with ε1t provide instruments for the regressors and these are πt−1, xt, xt−1 and rt−1. xt qualifies as an instrument because only lagged values determine it and ε2t is uncorrelated with ε1t. Appendix A shows that πt+1 depends on xt, πt−1 and rt−1 but not xt−1. Hence xt−1 is not a relevant instrument for πt+1, a fact noted by Pesaran (1987), when d in Equation (2) is zero.
For the second IV estimator, called the unrestricted estimator (UE), the model estimated is:
in this case, πt−1, xt and rt−1 provide exactly the right number of instruments for the three variables πt−1, πt+1 and xt. In much empirical work, a broader set of instruments is assumed without specifying a model, but it is useful to have a small model from which to generate the instruments.