RDP 2015-11: Unprecedented Changes in the Terms of Trade: Online Appendix 3 Normalised Equilibrium Conditions
August 2015
We normalise the variables as follows:
- λt = ΛtZt
- υt = Vt(1 + zI)t
Non-tradeable Firms
- mcN,t = MCN,t
- qN,t = QN,t
Home-tradeable Firms
- mcH,t = MCH,t
- qH,t = QH,t
Commodity Firms
- qX,t = QX,t
Relative Prices
- τI,t = TI,t(1 + zI)t
- τN,t = TN,t(1 + zN)t
- τT,t = TT,t(1 + zT)t
- τH,t = TH,t(1 + zH)t
- τF,t = TF,t(1 + z*)t
- τF*,t = TF*,t(1 + z*)t
Foreign Economy
Miscellaneous Variables
The Cobb-Douglas assumption for the tradeable consumption bundle implies that the growth rate of the tradeable consumption bundle is 1 + zT = (1 + zH)γH(1 + z*)γF. A similar relationship holds for the tradeable investment good. where it is implied by the bundles that:
UIP implies that that s staisfies
and if there is a steady state for τI,t then it follows that
Also, note that zt = Zt/Zt−1. With these normalisations, the equilibrium conditions are as follows.
Household optimisation:
Capital accumulation:
Price and inflation indices:
Consumer demand:
Investment demand:
Tradeable firms:
Non-tradeable firms:
Commodity firms:
Importing firms
Law of one price:
Relative Prices:
Foreign sector:
Market clearing:
Interest rates and monetary policy: