Equal Employment Opportunity Annual Report – 1997 Executive Summary
The Bank's EEO program involves the development and monitoring of an EEO Plan. 1996/97 is the fourth and final year of the current plan. Its principles are that decisions in relation to staff are merit based and that all staff are afforded appropriate opportunities to advance and enhance their skills and experience. A new plan is being finalised for implementation next year.

During the past year, staff numbers declined as a result of significant restructuring in the support and business areas of the Bank, after a couple of years of relative stability. Despite this, most of the EEO groups maintained a similar representation to last year. The exceptions were Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and first generation people from non-English speaking backgrounds whose representation declined due to the outsourcing of functions where they were more highly represented. The proportion of women at management level again increased this year and the return rate of women from parental leave was higher than any previous year.
Initiatives undertaken during the past year include the implementation of new grievance procedures, the appointment and training of new Grievance Contact Officers and the issue of a guide for all staff on handling grievances. A trial of job sharing has commenced and a new personnel information system was implemented which should enhance data management in future years. A revised English language program was piloted. Issues identified in this report which will be considered further in the coming year include the gender composition of graduate recruits and the representation of women in external training and courses of study.