Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1986 Financial Statements Report of the Auditor-General
Auditor's Report on Financial Statements for Year Ended 30 June 1986
As required by sub-section 81(1) of the Reserve Bank Act 1959, the Board has prepared and submitted for my examination financial statements for the year ended 30 June 1986 comprising:
Consolidated Balance sheet
Balance sheets in respect of—
Central Banking Business
Note Issue Department
Rural Credits Department
Consolidated Profit and Loss Appropriation Statement, and
Notes to and forming part of the financial statements.
The financial statements prepared by the Board are based on the forms prescribed by the Reserve Bank Regulations as supplemented by additional information.
Pursuant to sub-section 81(2) of the Act I now report that the financial statements are in agreement with the accounts and records of the Bank and, in my opinion, show fairly the financial operations for the year ended 30 June 1986 and the state of the affairs of the Bank as at that date.
5 August 1986
J.V. Monaghan