Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1988 Financial Statements Note 2 Consolidated Operating Earnings (and Net Profits)

Consolidated net profits in 1987/88 were $789.9 million, some $1,886.2 million less than in 1986/87. Details are shown below and include amounts written off Bank premises and provided for contingencies in terms of Section 78 of the Reserve Bank Act (Note 3, 5). Transfers to the Reserve Funds, which fall within the terms of Sections 30 and 63 of the Reserve Bank Act, are shown in the Appropriation Statement.

526,737 Net earnings on overseas investments 706,319
1,486,738 Net earnings on Commonwealth Government securities 1,188,551
22,545 Interest on loans, advances, etc. 12,435
14,810 Reimbursement by Commonwealth for loan management and registry expenses 12,496
5,253 Rents received 6,749
1,952,678 Net gains from sales of foreign currency (Note 1) 144,686
39,003 Other 42,917
4,047,764 Total Revenues 2,114,153
  Less: Expenses
396,780 Interest on deposit liabilities 406,039
115,632 Staff costs 118,938
5,100 Depreciation of durable assets (Note 6) 5,899
5,718 Amounts written off bank premises (Note 6) 5,786
66,133 Other 47,007
589,363 Total Expenses 583,669
3,458,401 Net Operating Earnings 1,530,484
782,300 Amounts provided for contingencies (Note 3, 5) 740,535
2,676,101 Net Profits in terms of the Reserve Bank Act 789,949

Included in other revenues is an amount of $21.3 million received from the International Monetary Fund under arrangements to maintain the value of the International Monetary Fund's holding of Australian currency in terms of the special drawing right. (In 1986/87, the Bank paid $7.7 million to the International Monetary Fund under these arrangements.)