Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1995 Reserve Bank Board

B.W. Fraser
Governor since
18 September 1989
Present term expires
17 September 1996

I.J. Macfarlane
Deputy Governor since
11 April 1992
Present term expires
10 April 1999

G.J. Thompson
Deputy Governor since
8 February 1993
Present term expires
7 February 2000

E.A. Evans
Secretary to
the Treasury
Member since
10 May 1993

R.G. Gregory, F.A.S.S.A.
Member since
21 November 1985
Present term expires
20 November 1995
Professor of Economics
Research School of
Social Sciences
Australian National

J.L. Holmes à Court, A.O.
Member since
19 August 1992
Present term expires
18 August 1997
Executive Chairman,
Heytesbury Holdings
Pty Ltd

A.R. Jackson, A.O.
Member since
29 January 1991
Present term expires
28 January 1996
Managing Director
and Chief Executive,
Chairman, BTR Nylex
Limited Australia

W.J. Kelty
Member since
29 July 1987
Present term expires
28 July 1997
Secretary, Australian
Council of Trade Unions
Sir Peter Abeles' term
of office expired on
1 August 1994
F.P. Lowy, A.o.,
Chairman, Westfield
Holdings Limited was
appointed to the Board
on 27 June 1995.
His present term expires
on 26 June 2000.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is
chaired by I.J. Macfarlane;
other members of
this Committee are
R.F.E. Warburton and
two executives of the
Bank – L.J. Austin,
Assistant Governor
(Financial Institutions)
and G.H. Board,
Assistant Governor
(Business Services).

S. Lew
Member since
19 August 1992
Present term expires
18 August 1997
Coles Myer Ltd

R.F.E. Warburton
Member since
22 December 1992
Present term expires
21 December 1997
Wool International