RDP 9608: Modelling the Australian Exchange Rate, Long Bond Yield and Inflationary Expectations Appendix A: Data Sources
November 1996
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The data for Section 3 of the paper were collected for the period from September 1973 to June 1995. The data for Section 4 were collected for the period from December 1979 to June 1995. All indexes are based to 1989/90 = 100. This Appendix lists each of the variables used in the paper together with their method of construction and original data source(s).
Real exchange rate
Reserve Bank of Australia.
Terms of trade
Index; Seasonally adjusted; Goods and services measure.
The terms of trade was spliced to the goods and services trend measure at September 1974.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Cat. No. 5302.0, Table 9.
Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
$m; Seasonally adjusted; Income measure.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Cat. No. 5206.0.
Real Gross Domestic Product
Average measure; The growth variable is the quarterly growth of real GDP.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Cat. No. 5206.0.
Cumulated current account
Current account balance; $m; Seasonally adjusted.
The cumulated current account for each quarter is calculated as the cumulative sum of quarterly current account balances from September 1959 and taken as a proportion of annualised GDP:
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Cat. No. 5302.0, Table 3.
Net foreign liabilities
Net International Investment Position at end of period.
Annual data for the period June 1974 – June 1985, quarterly data thereafter.
Expressed as a proportion of annual GDP.
June 1974-June 1978: Reserve Bank of Australia Occasional Paper No. 8.
June 1979-June 1995: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Cat. No. 5306.0, Table 1.
Commonwealth Government Budget Balance;
The fiscal variable for the four quarters of each fiscal year is measured as the change in the annual Commonwealth Government Budget Balance as a proportion of GDP, calculated on a quarterly basis.
1995/96 Commonwealth Budget Paper No. 1.
Cash rate
Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, Table F.l, and internal sources.
90-day bank bill
Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, Table F.l, and internal sources.
10-year bond rate
Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, Table F.2, and internal sources.
GDP in US dollars
Annual GDP for United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, measured in millions of US dollars, are applied as weights in the construction of world variables. The UK measure of GDP is quarterly and is converted into an annual measure.
World short interest rates
The world short interest rate is calculated as the weighted arithmetic average of short interest rates (3-month Treasury Bills) from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The weights are each country's GDP, measured in US dollars.
World long interest rates
The world long interest rate is calculated as the weighted arithmetic average of long interest rates for the above countries, with GDP in US dollars used as weights.
Real interest rates
Real interest rates for the exchange rate section are calculated by deflating the interest rate
by a corresponding measure of four-quarter-ended inflation . For the
bond yield equation, US long bond yields are deflated by quarter-ended core inflation.
Australia: | Treasury underlying price index; Commonwealth Treasury. |
United States: | Underlying price index; Datastream code: uscpxfdef. |
Canada: | Underlying price index; Datastream code: cnd20833. Consumption deflator; Datastream code: cnipdcone. The underlying price index is spliced to the consumption deflator at March 1986. |
United Kingdom: | Underlying price index; Datastream code: ukrpiy..f. Consumption deflator; Datastream code: ukipdcone. The underlying price index is spliced to the consumption deflator at March 1987. |
Yield differential
The yield differential is calculated as the difference between the Australian and world yield curves. The yield curve for Australia is measured as the difference between the cash rate and the 10-year bond rate. The world yield curve is measured as the difference between short and long nominal world interest rates.
Treasury underlying rate.
Commonwealth Treasury.
Return on capital
The return on capital is measured as corporate GOS divided by gross capital stock. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Cat. Nos 5206.0 and 5221.0.
Markov Inflation Expectations
Constructed from a Markov switching model using underlying inflation and an output gap. The output gap is calculated as the percentage deviation of GDP(A) from a Hodrick-Prescott trend.
Survey of Consumer Inflation Expectations
The survey variable is the Westpac/Melbourne Institute survey of consumer inflation expectations over the next four quarters.
Financial Market Inflation Expectations
Constructed as the simple difference between yields on the nominal 10-year Government Bond and the indexed security of equivalent maturity.