RDP 2011-02: Long-term Interest Rates, Risk Premia and Unconventional Monetary Policy Appendix A: The Linearised Equations
April 2011
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The full set of linearised equations is given by:
All variables are in log deviations from steady state. Equation (A1) gives the evolution
of the aggregate marginal utility of wealth, Λt, linking it to the preference shock ât
and output yt. Equations (A2) to (A4) give the restricted
and unrestricted agents' intertemporal relationships. Equation (A2) is
the unrestricted agents' first-order condition for long-term debt accumulation,
where is the long-term real interest rate,
is the nominal long-term interest rate and
πt is inflation, and
is the risk premium,
where ζt is the exogenous component of the premia,
mt is money demand and bL,t long-term
real bond holdings. Equation (A4) gives the restricted agents' first-order
condition for long-term debt accumulation. Equation (A5) combines the restricted
and unrestricted agents' Lagrange multipliers, weighted by λ,
the proportion of unrestricted agents. Equations (A6) and (A7) give the supply-side
relations, linking inflation to marginal costs mct and
technology shocks
. Equations (A8) to (A10) govern money demand
relationships, where êt is a money demand shock.
Equation (A10) aggregates across agents' money holdings. Equation (A11)
gives the Taylor-type rule for a central bank targeting interest rates of maturity
L with money growth µt specified by Equation
(A12). Equation (A13) aggregates across agents' long-term bond holdings.
The exogenous processes are given by Equations (A14) to (A19).