RDP 2012-08: Estimation and Solution of Models with Expectations and Structural Changes 3. Solutions with Structural Changes
December 2012 – ISSN 1320-7229 (Print), ISSN 1448-5109 (Online)
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Before we discuss solutions to the different cases, it is useful to introduce some
notation. First, there is a sample of data running from t = 1,2,…,T. Second, we allow for a number of structural
changes over the sample period. Hence we begin by assuming that the first structural
change is at Tm
and the last is at
. Accordingly, the initial model is
replaced by a new one at Tm, following which there may be a sequence
of models until
, when a final model
is in place. After
no further structural changes are assumed
to take place (and we will say that the structure has converged). Notice that,
given these definitions, if there is just a single structural change then it
begins at
, since the model after the initial
one is the final model.
Figure 1 illustrates one possibility. The arrows describe the evolution of the structure.
The sequence of structural changes begins in Tm and ends in
. In Figure 1, just as in our later
examples, Tm
take place in-sample, although nothing
about our solutions requires this to be the case. Further, in practice, one
might also have many structural changes in the model parameters (and these
could possibly overlap); it suffices to establish the solutions with a single
sequence of structural changes.

A formal account of the description above follows. Formally it is being assumed that
before Tm the structure is stable at Equation (1). Then, during
t =
– 1 the structure evolves as
subsequently changing over during t =
, …, T to
Thereafter, there are no further structural changes and Equation (8) holds into the infinite future.
To be concrete suppose there are two structural changes in the sample. In the first
interval (1 to Tm – 1) there is a model whose coefficients are θ
= {A0,C0,A1,B0,
D0}. In the second interval (Tm to
– 1) these change to
. and in the final interval
The notation in Equation (7) allows
the parameters A0,t etc to vary according to the
time period but in the two structural change case
A0,t =
Tm to
– 1 and after that the
structure converges to
etc. In general, when a sequence of
structural changes takes place in-sample, the structural matrices are given
In the first numerical example of Section 4
we will consider a single structural change as opposed to a sequence of them, and
so we will often refer to the interval t = 1,…,
– 1 as the ‘first interval’
and t =
,… as the ‘second interval’.
The second of our illustrations in Section 4
refers to two structural changes.
3.1 Regime Shifts with Beliefs Matching Reality
As seen in the solution method for models without structural change, a key element is to replace the forward expectations with a function that is consistent with the existing model and the information agents possess. Thus we need to specify how expectations are to be formed at a point in time and what information is available to agents at that point. We consider two cases. In the first case we take agents' beliefs about the prevailing structure to be accurate (i.e. beliefs match reality). The sequence of structural changes given by Equations (7) and (8) are taken to be known once they occur. In the second case it is assumed that the sequence of structural changes given by Equations (7) and (8) is foreseen from Tm. In particular, from period Tm onwards agents know when all future structural changes occur i.e. at the time of the first structural change they know exactly when future changes will take place.[3]
3.1.1 Structural changes known once they occur
To begin, take the simple case of a single structural change. Up until
, agents will assume that the first
interval model with coefficients θ = {A0,B0
…} is going to continue indefinitely. Hence the solution is that for
the no structural change case i.e. yt = C + Qyt
– 1 + Dεt.
onwards, agents form expectations with
the final model that has coefficients
and so the solution will be
yt = C* +
Q* yt – 1 + D*
εt. So one simply uses the model that holds
at any point t to compute the solution for
yt. Clearly, the solution generalises to any number of
structural changes.
3.1.2 Foreseen structural changes
Now consider what happens if, after the first structural change, agents know when all future changes will take place. In this situation expectations need to be formed which recognise that agents know that different model(s) will hold at some point in the future. In general, from Tm onwards the solution for yt at any point in time will be a time-varying VAR of the form
Because the information about future structures (models) is taken to be certain and
non-stochastic, it follows that . Then, following the earlier solution method,
we would get the equivalent conditions to Equations (4) to (6) as
where, as before,
. There are two key differences. One
is the second condition which now becomes
so that to solve for Qt we need to use a backward recursion. To do so, we start
from the solution of the final structure
, and choose the sequence
that satisfies Equation (13). The second
difference is the first condition which can now be written as
where Λt = (I – BtQt+1)−1 Γt and Ft = (I – BtQt+1)−1 Bt With Qt in hand it is possible to solve for Ct through a forward recursion, giving Ct = Λt + FtΛt+1 + FtFt+1Λt+2+…
To illustrate, consider the case of two structural changes. From Tm onwards agents know about any future structural changes.
Starting with the final interval
,…,T, since the final
model is in place from
onwards one can apply the no structural
change solution method to get a VAR structure yt =
C* + Q*yt−1
Accordingly, this applies to the last interval and enables us to determine that
the second interval model with coefficients
is in place but agents know that the
final model holds at
onwards, so they account for this when
forming expectations. Hence one solves for
using the backward recursion in Equation
(13) but with
etc. Before Tm
the data are generated by the initial model with coefficients θ,
that is by the first interval VAR structure yt = C
Qyt−1 + Gεt.
Hence in the interval,
, the solution is a time-varying coefficient
VAR with the movements in its coefficients being pinned down by the way the
structure changes and is expected to change. Notice that the backward recursion
implied by Equation (13) makes
Qt a function of Qt+1. This
means that the weights used to form expectations at time t are a function of
current and future structures (models).
3.1.3 Announcement effects
Announcement effects, such as happens with the introduction of a goods and services
tax (GST), the formation of a common currency, etc, can be captured in the
set-up above. If there is a single regime shift which is known in advance of
when it occurs then the initial model would hold for
and the final model from
. The date of the break,
, is the time when the final model is
in place. However, agents may now learn about the forthcoming change at, say,
Ta. We would choose the sequence
starting from
as before, such that A
– Qt + BQt+1Qt
= 0. Although for
, the structure remains constant (i.e
A0,t = A0,
C0,t = C0, etc), the announcement
itself triggers a drift in the reduced form. In fact, between the announcement
date, Ta, and the implementation date,
, the reduced form drifts from the first
interval VAR structure yt = C +
Qyt−1 + Gεt
towards the final interval VAR structure, yt = C*
Q*yt−1 +
3.2 Regime Shifts Where Beliefs are Different from Reality
In the analysis above, beliefs agree with reality. When the structural changes are unknown until they occur, expectations are formed at each point in time using the model that pertains to that period of time. When agents foresee the structural changes, and the structural changes do take place, they know both the new and old models and therefore form expectations by weighting the information appropriately at each point in time. In this section we deal with the more general case in which this may not always be true. In doing so we assume agents do eventually use the correct model but there may be a period of time in which they are mistaken about which structure (model) holds. Hence, during that interval, they may form incorrect expectations: expectations are model consistent, but consistency may be with the wrong model for part of the sample period.
We introduce notation for the timing of beliefs. We denote by
Tb the time when agents update their beliefs about current
and future structures and by
the time when beliefs agree with the
final structure. We impose no restrictions between
Tm and
on one hand andTb
on the other, so that
beliefs may converge before or after the structure has converged and they may
be updated before or after the first structural change.
One possibility is illustrated in Figure 2. The lower arrows describe, as before,
the evolution of the structure while the upper arrows now describe the evolution
of beliefs. The sequence of structural changes begins in Tm and ends in
, with beliefs being based on the wrong
structure (model) for some time. Beliefs are first updated in period Tb,
after the structural changes begin, and converge in period
, after the structure
has converged.

This generalisation allows us to consider situations in which agents do not get the timing of the structural changes right, as well as capturing situations of imperfect credibility in which policy announcements may be carried out as announced, but are not necessarily fully incorporated into expectations formation.
We assume the structure evolves as before: that is, before Tm the structure is stable at Equation (1). Then, during
, the structure evolves as in Equation
(7), subsequently changing for
to Equation (8). Agents' beliefs,
however, may evolve differently. Before Tb, expectations
are based on Equation (1) while after Tb agents believe
that the structural coefficients will evolve as follows:
Subsequently beliefs change for
to Equation (8), the final structure.
Equation (14) indicates that, in the period up to
, agents may have inaccurate beliefs
about which model is generating the data. In the special case that A0,t
= Ã0,t etc, Tm = Tb
beliefs are always accurate and the
situation coincides with the one discussed in Section 3.1.2.
In terms of our single structural change example, the period up to
may have a period of time over which
the initial model holds and a further period in which the final model holds.
From max
onwards it is only the final model
that generates the data.
Given this departure from the standard rational expectations context, we assume agents
combine observed outcomes with their beliefs about the structure to compute
the time t conditional expectation,
, where the notation emphasises that
expectations are based on Equation
In this case, agents use their model beliefs to determine weights to be applied to
observed data when forming expectations. When agents believe the structure
will evolve as in Equation (14), one proceeds as before, starting from
to find the sequence
such that
The solution agents would infer for
which implies that
However, the actual path of the economy
Using Equation (16) it is easy to show that the reduced-form VAR is given by
The solution in this case also takes the form of a time-varying coefficient VAR with movements in its coefficients being pinned down by the way the structure evolves as well as agents' beliefs about these structural changes.
When the structural changes begin before agents first update their beliefs (i.e.
Tm < Tb) as is the case in
Figure 2, expectations are based on the initial structure in those periods,
that is
, so the economy in those periods
With in hand, other cases,
, are straightforward to compute.
3.3 The Likelihood
As we have discussed above, a set of structural changes and assumptions about beliefs and expectations formation map into a sequence of reduced-form matrices. If the structural changes are unknown until they occur, the solution is computed as in Section 3.1.1. If the structural changes are foreseen, the system follows Equation (9), and in the more general formulation where beliefs may differ from reality, the system follows Equation (18). The derivation of the likelihood is identical in each case since each involves a reduced form. Therefore, with no loss of generality, let the reduced form be given by Equation (9):
Now assume that we have in hand a sample of data,
, where zt
is a nz × 1 vector of observable variables that relate
to the model's variables by
In Equation (19), vt is an iid measurement error with
. The observation equation, Equation
(19), and the state equation, Equation (9), constitute a state space model.
Therefore, the Kalman filter can be used to construct the likelihood function
for the sample
as outlined, for example, in Harvey
(1989). Appendix A
provides details of the derivation of the log-likelihood in Equation (20).
In Equation (20),
is the prediction error,
is the covariance matrix of the state variables yt conditional on information at t – 1, and covt−1(zt) = HΣt|t−1 H′ + V.
With Equation (20) in hand, standard likelihood-based tests for parameter stability and detection of date breaks are available.[5]
It will be obvious from the solution method that we can handle situations where only some of the future structural changes are known at Tm. [3]
One could alternatively assume that agents utilise their beliefs about the model to produce both the weights and values for the endogenous variables themselves when computing expectations, i.e. they project a model consistent path for the endogenous variables which will be incorrect if model beliefs are incorrect. There are other reasonable assumptions as well. For example, we could assume that either only lagged outcomes are observed or that only some subset of the variables are observed at time t. These extensions are left for further research. [4]
Under the null hypothesis of no structural change the likelihood ratio statistic,
, is asymptotically distributed
as a chi-square random variable with
degrees of freedom, where
is the unrestricted maximum likelihood
estimate of the vector of structural parameters and
is the restricted maximum likelihood
estimate of the vector of structural parameters after imposing the restrictions
of no structural change. Detection of structural change is generally done
with a recursive likelihood ratio test.