Statement on Monetary Policy – February 2007 List of graphs
- Graph 1: Australia's Trading Partner GDP
- Graph 2: World GDP
- Graph 3: United States – GDP
- Graph 4: United States – Labour Market
- Graph 5: United States – Housing Indicators
- Graph 6: United States – Consumer Prices
- Graph 7: Japan – Labour Market Indicators
- Graph 8: East Asia – GDP
- Graph 9: Euro Area – Sentiment Indicators
- Graph 10: Europe – Consumer Prices
- Graph 11: RBA Index of Commodity Prices
- Graph 12: Bulk Commodity Prices
- Graph 13: Rural Prices
- Graph 14: Terms of Trade
- Graph 15: Cash Rates
- Graph 16: US 10-year Government Bond Yields
- Graph 17: 10-year Bond Yields
- Graph 18: US Yield Curves
- Graph 19: Market Spreads
- Graph 20: Global Mergers and Acquisitions
- Graph 21: P/E Ratios
- Graph 22: Euro/US$ Volatility
- Graph 23: US TWI
- Graph 24: Japanese Real Trade-weighted Exchange Rate
- Graph 25: Asian Currencies against US Dollar
- Graph 26: Foreign Reserves Accumulation
- Graph 27: Australian Dollar
- Graph 28: Capital Flows
- Graph 29: Annual Range in Trade-weighted Index
- Graph 30: Australian Dollar Volatility
- Graph 31: Retail Sales
- Graph 32: Household Debt and Interest Payments
- Graph 33: Housing Construction
- Graph 34: Australian House Prices
- Graph 35: Vacancy Rates for Rental Dwellings
- Graph 36: Actual Business Conditions
- Graph 37: Capacity Utilisation
- Graph 38: Profits
- Graph 39: Investment
- Graph 40: Non-residential Construction Indicators
- Graph 41: Australian Government Budget Balance
- Graph 42: State Capital Expenditure
- Graph 43: Exports
- Graph 44: Resource Export Volumes
- Graph 45: Resource Export Transport Capacity
- Graph 46: Import Volumes
- Graph 47: Real Exchange Rate and Terms of Trade
- Graph 48: Labour Market Indicators
- Graph 49: Vacancy Rate
- Graph 50: Money Market Rates
- Graph 51: Australian Interest Rates
- Graph 52: Australian and US 10-year Bonds
- Graph 53: Indicators of Corporate Credit Risk
- Graph 54: Corporate Ratings Actions
- Graph 55: Moody's Global Speculative Grade Corporate Default Rate
- Graph 56: Spreads on Issues of Mortgage-backed Securities
- Graph 57: Housing Loan Variable Interest Rates
- Graph 58: Housing Rates and Loan Type
- Graph 59: Australian and World Share Price Indices
- Graph 60: Analysts' Forecast Earnings per Share
- Graph 61: Mergers and Acquisitions by Listed Australian Entities
- Graph 62: LBO Activity in Australia
- Graph 63: Return on Equity and Cost of Debt
- Graph 64: P/E Ratios and Dividend Yields
- Graph 65: Credit Growth
- Graph 66: Housing Loan Approvals and Credit Growth
- Graph 67: Margin Lending
- Graph 68: Bonds on Issue in Australia
- Graph 69: Net Non-intermediated Capital Raisings
- Graph 70: Consumer Price Inflation
- Graph 71: Statistical Measures of Inflation
- Graph 72: Tradables and Non-tradables Prices
- Graph 73: Final Producer Prices
- Graph 74: Wage Indicators
- Graph 75: Factors Constraining Output
- Graph 76: Selling Prices