Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1989 Financial Statements Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 30 June 1989

Liabilities   1989
49,428 Capital (Note 3, 11)   40,000
  Reserves —    
199,282 Reserve Funds (Note 3) 208,461  
17,642 Reserve for Contingencies and General Purposes (Note 3) 239,743  
4,398,320 Asset revaluation reserves (Note 1(e), 3) 4,063,602 4,511,806
4,664,672 Capital and Reserves   4,551,806
11,363,776 Australian notes on issue Deposits by —   12,346,467
  Banks (Note 10) —    
3,547,225 Statutory Reserve Deposits  
Non-callable deposits 3,166,664  
480,041 Other 394,029  
  Governments and government instrumentalities —    
1,858,140 Commonwealth 1,593,472  
84,222 State 42,137  
466,582 Foreign governments, foreign institutions and international organisations 328,374  
31,595 Other depositors 21,298 5,545,974
314,171 Special Reserve — International Monetary Fund special drawing rights (Note 4)   288,754
  Other liabilities —    
485,565 Profit distribution payable to Commonwealth of Australia 140,000  
1,719,171 Provisions (Note 1(f), 5) 1,677,278  
79,062 Other 37,708 1,854,986
25,094,222 Total   24,587,987
Assets   1989
  Gold and foreign exchange (Note 1(b)) —    
4,508,980 Gold 3,860,851  
15,361,158 Foreign exchange 16,135,678 19,996,529
  Commonwealth Government securities (Note 1(c)) —    
759,331 Treasury notes 514,075  
3,033,105 Other securities 2,795,979 3,310,054
272,004 Loans, advances and bills discounted (Note 7)   169,243
373,286 Bank premises and other durable assets (Note 1(d), 6)   499,470
633,669 Clearing items (remittances in transit, cheques and bills of other banks) (Note 8)   453,844
71,395 Australian notes and coin   88,535
81,294 Other assets (Note 9)   70,312
25,094,222 Total   24,587,987

M.J. Phillips
Deputy Chairman, Reserve Bank Board — 1 August 1989