RDP 2008-10: Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models with Predictable Structural Changes Appendix A: Proof of Propositions 1 and 2

Proof of Proposition 1


Sufficiency: If rank(Q2π) = m, then the columns of Q2π span Inline Equation. This means that for arbitrary initial conditions and for any fundamental shock, expectation revisions can keep the system on its SSP.

Necessity: w2,t must satisfy

To be on the SSP, w2,t must also satisfy

and more specifically

Now suppose the initial condition of the system, y0, is arbitrary, so that the economy may not necessarily be on the SSP. We can then write Inline Equation as the sum of a component that is on the SSP and some deviation from the SSP value

where Inline Equation We can look at Equation (A1) from the perspective of period 1 to show that in order for equality to hold (that is, for the system to be on the SSP in period 1), the following condition must be satisfied

Since Δ0 is arbitrary, we require the columns of Q2π to span Inline Equation. Since Q2π is m × k, this is equivalent to requiring rank(Q2π) = m.

Proof of Proposition 2


Sufficiency: Suppose that rank(Q2π) = k, then the rows of Q2π span Inline Equation. Therefore, rowspace(Q1π) ⊆ rowspace(Q2π) since the rows of Q1π necessarily span some subspace of Inline Equation.

Necessity: Suppose that the solution is unique. This means that rowspace(Q1π) ⊆ rowspace(Q2π).

We know that Q is a full rank n × n matrix. Post-multiplying by π extracts the last k columns of Q. Since Q was full rank, must have rank k. If the solution is unique, then this means that the rank of

should have the same rank as that of Q2π. But since the matrix above is exactly , this implies that the rank of Q2π is k.