RDP 2008-10: Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models with Predictable Structural Changes 3. The Rational Expectations Solution with Predictable Structural Changes
December 2008
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In this section, we propose a method to solve LRE models when there is a sequence of anticipated events. These events encompass anticipated changes to the structural parameters of the model or anticipated additive shocks. We assume that within a finite period of time, the structural parameters of the model converge and no further shocks are anticipated.
At the beginning of period 1, agents know the previous state of the economy, y0, the fundamental shock ε1,
they anticipate a sequence of shocks , and know how the
structural parameters will vary in the future,
That is, the system
evolves as follows
where represents unanticipated shocks to the system and
for j ≥
1. The reason for identifying these shocks separately is because as time unfolds,
actual shocks may be different from what were originally expected so that
in any period, we can decompose a shock as the sum of its anticipated and
unanticipated components
. We could alternatively include
as part of Ct,
but we identify the shocks separately to illustrate how the solution for predictable
structural variations encompasses anticipated additive shocks as a special
Assuming a unique solution exists for t ≥ T + 1, the reduced form of the system can be computed as discussed in the previous section as follows
where This solution helps us compute yt for t ≥ T
+ 1, given yT. The aim of this section is to solve for
y1 ,y2,...,yT
given all anticipated structural variations and additive shocks.
Since yt is (n1 + n2
+ k) × 1, we require at least T × (n1
+ n2 + k) independent equations to obtain a unique
solution for . Notice that:
- for each period, we have (n1 + n2) equations as defined by Equation (1). This gives us T × (n1 + n2) equations;
- for t = 2,...,T, rational expectations requires ηt = 0. From the perspective of period t = 1, there should be no forecast errors or revisions to expectations. This gives us (T − 1) × k equations; and
if a stable solution exists for t = T + 1 onwards, then
, where
is given by
Equation (19) gives equations where
represents the number of explosive eigenvalues of the final (bar) system.
is from the QZ decomposition
and therefore has
independent rows. The last condition is
effectively a terminal condition that guarantees that the system is on its
SSP for t
≥ T + 1. In total, we get
equations that can
be summarised as follows
The condition that η2,...,ηT = 0 implies that
πηt = 0 for t = 2,...,T. Also
notice that the structure of guarantees that
since the last k
rows of Ct and Ψt are zero for all t.
Solving for y1,...,yT involves solving a linear
system of the form Ay = b, where and A stands
for the matrix on the left while b stands for the vector on the right-hand
side of Equation (20). Propositions 1 and 2 imply that for the final (bar)
system to have a unique solution,
; in this case, Equation
(20) has as many equations as there are unknowns. However, if the final (bar)
system has many solutions,
, then Equation (20) forms a system with
less equations than unknowns, in which case, if there is a solution, there
are infinitely many. Obviously, the existence of a solution to the structurally
invariant final system is a necessary condition for Equation (20) to have
a solution. We summarise these two observations with the following propositions.
Proposition 3. Existence of a solution to the final (bar) system
is necessary for the existence of a solution to Equation (20).
Proposition 4. Uniqueness of a solution to the final (bar) system
is necessary for the uniqueness of a solution to Equation (20).
The propositions above state necessary but not sufficient conditions for the existence
and uniqueness of a solution for .
The existence and uniqueness of a solution for
ultimately depend
on the properties of the matrix A. We have shown that if a unique
solution exists for the final structure, A is a square matrix. Next,
we argue that A will generally be a full-rank matrix for the following
- The rank of the matrix (−Γ1t Γ0,t) is n for t = 2,...,T. If not, there are linearly dependent and possibly inconsistent equations; a sort of ill-specified problem.
- The block bi-diagonal structure of the matrix A implies that none of the rows associated with period t can be obtained as a linear combination of rows associated with non-adjacent periods. If this is the case, this implies that for some period, the rank of the matrix (−Γ1t Γ0,t) will be less than n for some t, violating the preceding point.
For a well-defined system, the rows of
will be linearly independent. So the first n1 + n2 rows of A will be linearly independent.
The rows of
are linearly independent because
is unitary. So the last k rows of A will be linearly independent.
- In general, no row, for a given period, can be expressed as a linear combination of the rows associated with that period and from an adjacent period. This would mean that Γ1,t and Γ0,t+ 1 are rank deficient. Even if this were the case, suppose for non-zero vectors, w and v, wΓ1,t = vΓ0,t+1 = 0, then we would also require that wΓ0,t − vΓ1,t+1 = 0 if there were a linear dependency in rows associated with periods t and t + 1. Although this is possible, we argue that this seems unlikely.
The last k rows are linearly independent of the first nT
− k rows. Clearly, the last k rows are linearly independent
of the rows associated with periods 1,...,T − 1, for the same
reasons we discussed earlier for non-adjacent periods. But, in general, the
last k rows of A are linearly independent of the preceding
n rows. If a linear combination of the rows of
reproduce a row of Γ0,T, that same linear combination of zero vectors must reproduce the corresponding row of −Γ1,T, which may not necessarily be zero.
is typically unrelated to Γ0,T because it comes from the QZ decomposition of
. But even if
came from the QZ decomposition of (Γ0,T, Γ1,T), it relates to Γ0,T in a non-linear fashion.
The arguments above imply that the matrix A will be invertible, in which case, the solution for will be unique. However,
it is possible that A is not invertible under some perverse parameter
variations. Under such circumstances, the existence of solution requires b
to be contained in the column space of the matrix A; but this is
not a guarantee that any such solution will be unique. The invertibility of
obviously guarantees that there is a unique solution.
This suggests that the way in which parameters vary can determine whether a unique solution exists or not. For instance, should a policy-maker decide to change the parameters of the policy rule over a set length of time, it might matter how this policy change is implemented over time for a unique equilibrium path to exist.
So we conclude that, in general, the existence and uniqueness of a solution for will hinge on the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the final structure.
The solution method we propose has a number of advantages: it is simple to implement as it only requires solving a matrix inversion problem; even in the absence of structural changes, it enables us to forecast over finite horizons without resorting to loops; and it can be used recursively to produce stochastic simulations in the face of fully predictable structural variations.