RDP 2008-10: Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models with Predictable Structural Changes 2. The Time-invariant Rational Expectations Solution

The method to solve for equilibria in linear rational expectations (LRE) models with predictable structural variations builds on the method proposed in Sims (2002). We begin by introducing notation, then outline the solution in the time-invariant case and establish key results on existence and uniqueness.

2.1 Defining the LRE Model

Define the state vector

where: y1,t, (n1 × 1), contains exogenous and possibly some endogenous variables; y2,t, (n2 × 1), contains those endogenous variables for which conditional expectations appear in the LRE model; and zt+1, (k × 1), contains leads of y2,t so that Inline Equation and k = s × n2. The dimension of yt is n × 1, where n = n1 + n2 + k.

The LRE model is typically given by n1 + n2 equations relating the elements of y1,t and y2,t to each other and to Inline Equation

where: εt is a l × 1 vector that is a random, exogenous and potentially serially correlated process; Inline Equation and Inline Equation are (n1 + n2) × n matrices; Inline Equation is (n1 + n2) × 1; and Inline Equation is (n1 + n2) × l.

Since we allow zt + 1 to potentially contain more than just one lead of y2,t, we deviate from the terminology of Sims (2002) and define the vector of expectations revisions as follows

where Inline Equation for j ≥ 1. When zt = y2,t, ηt becomes a vector of forecast errors Inline Equation. Note that Inline Equation so Inline Equation incorporates y2,t and the first (s − 1) elements of Inline Equation. So expectation revisions for y2,t+s do not appear in Equation (2). It is also important to note that the information set in period t contains the value of all variables up to period t – 1 as well as period t shocks.

We augment the system defined by Equation (1) with the k equations from Equation (2) to obtain the following specification

which is equivalent, in the notation of Sims (2002), to

where the matrices Γ0 and Γ1 are both n × n, while C is n × 1, Ψ is n × l, and π is n × k. This system contains n equations – the same number as the number of variables in the state vector, yt . It is worth noting that the vector of expectations revisions, ηt, is determined endogenously as part of the solution.

2.2 Solving the LRE Model

The Generalised Schur (or QZ) decomposition of (Γ01) yields

where QQ′ = ZZ′ = I and both Λ and Ω are upper triangular. Q,Z,Λ and Ω are, in general, complex-valued. An important property of this decomposition, which always exists, is that it returns the generalised eigenvalues of (Γ01) as the ratios of the diagonal elements of Ω and Λ, {ωii/λii}.

Pre-multiply Equation (4) by Q to get

where wt = Zyt. Then rearrange the system so that the explosive eigenvalues correspond to the lower right blocks of Λ and Ω and partition wt as follows

where w2,t is a m × 1 vector that is associated with the m explosive generalised eigenvalues and w1,t is (nm) × 1.

According to this partition, Equation (5) reads

As the lower set of equations is not influenced by w1,t, the dynamics of w2,t are isolated as follows

Let Inline Equation and let x2,t = Q2(C + Ψεt + πηt). Since the eigenvalues of Equation (7) are explosive, the equation can be solved forwards

assuming lim j→∞Mjw2,t+j = 0. Substituting back the definitions for M and x2,t and expanding the expression above for w2,t yields

Equation (8) relates w2,t to future values of εt and ηt. This means that knowing w2,t requires that all future events be known at time t. Taking expectations (conditional on time t information) does not change the left-hand side of Equation (8), so

since Inline Equation for j ≥ 1. The fact that the right-hand side of Equation (8) never deviates from its expected value implies that expectations revisions must fluctuate as a function of current and future εt 's to guarantee that the equality holds.

Taking expectations at time t + 1 gives

Expressions (9) and (10) are equal if and only if the vector of expectations revisions satisfies

The system's stability depends on the existence of expectations revisions ηt to offset the effect that the fundamental shocks εt have on w2,t. To see this, assume Inline Equation for i ≥ 1 and C = 0. The equation for w2,t becomes

Since this equation has explosive eigenvalues, stability requires that w2,t = 0 for all t. This means that Q2Ψεt + Q2πηt = 0 must hold in each period to ensure that the effect on w2,t of any fundamental shock (εt) is offset by revisions to expectations, ηt; if this condition does not hold, w2,t will behave explosively.

The existence of a stable solution relies on expectations revisions (ηt) to adjust so that the system remains on its stable saddle path (SSP). This means that from any arbitrary starting point, expectations revisions must be able to get the system onto its SSP and then keep it there. Proposition 1 states the condition under which this is possible.

Proposition 1. For any initial starting value y0, a stable solution exists for the following linear rational expectations system

if and only if rank(Q2π) = m.

For a proof of Proposition 1, see Appendix A.

Since Q2π is m × k, rank(Q2π) ≤ min{m,k}, so the existence of a stable solution requires that mk; that is, the number of explosive eigenvalues cannot be larger than the dimension of ηt.

Proposition 1 states the condition for existence with arbitrary initial conditions. Should the system already be on its SSP, the rank condition is only sufficient for existence. If initial conditions place the system on its SSP, then the conditions for existence of a stable solution are weaker. Existence, in this case, requires that there is a vector of expectations revisions capable of offsetting the effect of new information on w2,t. For this to occur, it is both necessary and sufficient that

Regardless of what process εt follows, the existence of a rational expectations solution requires solving a system of the form: Q2πηt = Bt, where Inline Equation, Inline Equation. The span condition is both necessary and sufficient for the vector Bt to be expressed as a linear combination of the columns of Q2π and guarantees that a solution exists for ηt.

The kind of parameter variations that we consider in the next section typically alter the SSP of the system. Therefore, it is the rank condition that ensures stability. Announcements about future changes to the structure give rise not only to changes to the SSP, but also to arbitrary ‘initial conditions’ from the perspective of the new SSP. Although the span and rank conditions for existence of a stable solution would typically agree, it is the rank condition which is appropriate if initial conditions are indeed arbitrary.

Existence does not imply uniqueness. In general, it is possible that knowing Q2πηt may not be enough to calculate Q1πηt, which is needed in order to solve for w1,t and to completely solve the LRE model. This requires that the row space of Q1π be contained in the row space of Q2π, both of which are subspaces of Inline Equation. It turns out that checking the row span condition for the uniqueness of an equilibrium is equivalent to checking the rank of the matrix Q2π, as the following proposition states.

Proposition 2. Suppose a solution exists for the following linear rational expectations system

then the solution is unique if and only if rank(Q2π) = k.

For a proof of Proposition 2, see Appendix A.

Since rank(Q2π) ≤ min{m,k}, this implies that mk is a necessary condition for a unique solution. For arbitrary initial conditions, existence and uniqueness of a solution requires that m = k.

If a unique solution exists, then there exists a matrix Φ such that

Pre-multiplying Equation (6) by [Inm,−Φ] yields

When such a Φ exists, the term involving ηt drops out. Combining Equations (15) and (9), it is not difficult to show that the reduced-form of the LRE model becomes
