RDP 2016-08: The Slowdown in US Productivity Growth: Breaks and Beliefs Appendix A: Data Sources

The data construction in Table A1 follows Justiniano et al (2013).

Table A1: Data Sources
Series Source Other information
Real GDP BEA/Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED reference GDPC96, cv, sa
Implicit price deflator for GDP BEA/Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED reference GDPDEF, sa
Personal consumption expenditure BEA/Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED reference PCEC, cv, sa
Fixed private investment BEA/Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED reference FPI, cv, sa
Civilian employment BLS/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED reference CE16OV, sa
Civilian non-institutional population BLS/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED reference CNP16OV, sa
Average weekly hours worked BLS/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED reference PRS85006023, sa
Hourly compensation of employees BLS/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED reference COMPNFB, sa
Federal funds rate Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Statistical release ‘Selected Interest Rates – H.15’
Shadow federal funds rate Wu and Xia (2014) Available at <www.frbatlanta.org/cqer/research/shadow_rate.aspx>