RDP 2002-06: Output Gaps in Real Time: are they Reliable Enough to use for Monetary Policy? Appendix A: Implementation of the Phillips Curve Approach
September 2002
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Suppose that, over a sample period t = 1,…,n, we have a model of inflation of the form
where Γt is some linear combination of past changes in inflation together with bond market inflation expectations, oil price inflation and import price inflation:
Note that this specification is simply a re-writing of our generic Phillips curve, equation (1).
With such a model, we wish to minimise the loss function
Note that the latter sum in equation (A3) is taken to run from t = −3 because equation (A1) involves 4 lags of ‘change in the output gap’ terms. This equation therefore requires values for potential output over the 5 periods (t = −4, −3, −2, −1 and 0) prior to the start of the sample over which it is estimated. Given this, the usual H-P ‘smoothing penalty’ built into L is here computed over the period t = −3, …, (n−1), rather than simply the period t = 2, …, (n−1).
Overall then we seek values for the (n + 5)×1 vector and
for the parameters {κj}, {βj}, {ηj}, {ξj},
{δi} and γ which minimise L. Note that
L may itself be written in the form
where ε denotes the n × 1 vector ε ≡ (ε1, ε2,…, εn)T
and S denotes the (n+3)×1 vector .
The 4-step iterative procedure we employ for computing these values is as follows.
Step 1: Guess at initial values for the parameter γ and for the parameters {κj}, {κj}, {βj}, {ηj}, {ξj}, and {δi}. To do this we simply use the usual H-P filter to generate a preliminary potential output series, and then, using this series in our model, estimate the corresponding model parameters via ordinary OLS to get initial guesses for these parameters.
Step 2: Using these initial parameter values, solve for the values via
the appropriate analogue (see below) of the usual ‘H-P filter’-type procedure of
minimising the loss function L.
Step 3: With these re-estimate the inflation equation to get new
values for the parameter γ and for the parameters {κj},
{βj}, {ηj}, {ξj}, and {δi}.
Step 4: Repeat step 2 with these new parameter values, then repeat step 3, and keep doing this
until ‘convergence’ is achieved in some suitable sense (that is, until the values of
and the parameters in the inflation equation stop changing, to within some pre-specified
tolerance threshold).
Technical Details of Step 2
It is useful to begin by introducing some notation. For each j = 0, 1, 2,…, let Hj denote the (n + 5) × (n + 5) matrix given by
and let Gj denote the (n + 5 − j) × (n + 5) matrix given by
From these core matrices we may then construct, first of all, the (n + 5) × (n
+ 5) ‘lagged first differencing’ matrices
D0,D1,D2,D3 and
D4 given by Di ≡ Hi −
Hi + 1, i = 0,…, 4. Thence in turn we may form the
trimmed n × (n + 5) versions of these matrices, ,
defined by
The importance of these matrices derives from the fact that, over
the sample period t = 1,…, n, we may now write equation (A1) in vector
form as
where Δπ denotes the n × 1 vector (Δπ1, Δπ2, …, Δπn)T, Γ the n × 1 vector (Γ1, Γ2,…,Γn)T, and Y the (n + 5) × 1 vector (y−4, y−3,…,yn)T. Re-arranging equation (A6), and using also definition (A5), then yields that ε = Δπ −Γ−A(Y−Y*), where A denotes the n × (n + 5) matrix
Now define a new n × 1 vector, Ψ, by Ψ ≡ Δπ − Γ − AY. Then ε may now be written in the form ε = Ψ + AY*, where Ψ is independent of potential output. We then obtain the following formula for the first of the two terms on the right-hand side of formula (A4) for L:
Turning to the second of the two terms on the right hand side of formula (A4) for L, observe that we may write S = G2 (D0 − D1)Y*, whence also we have that
Combining equations (A4), (A8) and (A9) we therefore derive that
The first order conditions for minimising L then yield that FY* = −ATΨ, where F denotes the (n + 5)×(n + 5) matrix
Therefore, the unique solution for the potential output vector Y* which minimises L, for the given values of the parameters γ, {κj}, {βj}, {ηj}, {ξj} and {δi}, is simply
where F, A and Ψ are as defined above.