Changes to Statistical Tables
7 February 2025
Payments System Statistics – Table C3
Statistical Table C3 has been updated to expand coverage to directly include larger payment facilitators and additional acquirers. Definitions for the data collection have also been updated: acquirers now exclude fee income and corresponding transactions processed by payment facilitators. These changes have increased Total Average Merchant Fees for most series for the December quarter 2024 compared to the previous quarter. For more information on the individual series, see the accompanying Notes in the Statistical Table or the updated Explanatory Notes for Completing Retail Payments Statistics Forms.
9 December 2024
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C6.1
Due to the holiday period, the retail payments statistics (Tables C1 to C6.1) will be published a few days later than usual on Friday 10 January 2025. The normal publication schedule (7th, or next business day of the month) will resume thereafter.
9 December 2024
The Reserve Bank has updated the retail payments data that it publishes. Changes include:
- more detailed data on the use of newer payments technology, including new series on contactless card and mobile wallet payments
- expanded data coverage to include larger payment facilitators
- more data on prepaid cards.
Additional series are published in Tables C1 – C2.2, and C6.1. For more information on the individual series, see a summary of details below, the accompanying Notes in each Statistical Table or the updated Explanatory Notes for Completing Retail Payments Statistics Forms.
Credit and Charge Cards – Seasonally Adjusted Series – C1
Statistical Table C1 has been updated to provide seasonally adjusted series for overseas purchases by Australian-issued cards, and transactions acquired in Australia made by overseas-issued cards.
Credit and Charge Cards, Debit Cards – Original Series – C1.1, C2.1
Statistical Tables C1.1 and C2.1 have been updated to provide more detailed data on payments using different card payment technologies. Series in Tables C1.1 and C2.1 have been restructured into three separate tabs for ‘Aggregate’ transactions, ‘Device Present’ (or in-person) transactions, and ‘Device Not Present’ (or online) transactions. Within Device Present transactions, new series show the number and value of transactions split by contactless card, contactless mobile wallet, other contactless technologies, and non-contactless transactions. Within Device Not Present, new series show the number and value of transactions split by card or mobile wallet technology. In Table C2.1, new series show the number and value of over-the-counter debit card cash withdrawals and the number of active debit card accounts. Definitions for contactless and mobile wallet payments are provided in the accompanying Notes.
Credit and Charge Cards – Personal and Commercial Cards – Original Series – C1.2
New series in Table C1.2 include card-holding accounts that are active as a subset of all accounts. Active accounts are those that have made at least one transaction in the past month.
Prepaid Cards – Original Series – C2.2
Series in Table C2.2 have been restructured into separate tabs for aggregate figures as well as series split by single-load and reloadable card types. New series in Table C2.2 include the stock of prepaid cards that are active, and the flow of new prepaid cards that are activated or cards that are fully exhausted in the reference period.
Direct Entry and NPP – Original Series – C6.1
Tables C6 and C6.1 has been expanded to include new series on payments using the NPP. New series show the number and value of payments made to PayIDs and payments made using the PayTo service.
20 November 2024
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates – D1
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
Monetary Aggregates – D3
Bank Lending Classified by Sector – D5
Assets of Financial Institutions – B01
Finance Companies & General Financiers – Selected Assets & Liabilities – B10
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Central Bank Survey – D11
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions Survey – D12
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Consolidated Survey – D13
Due to the holiday period, the financial aggregates for November will be published a few days earlier than usual on Friday 20 December 2024. Normal publication schedule will resume thereafter.
7 November 2024
Payments System Statistics – Table C1.3
From 7 November 2024, publication of Statistical Table C1.3 will cease due to the closure of Diners Club Australia. These series are being discontinued as the RBA does not have the consent of card schemes to publish individual market shares. Greater transparency in the payments industry is under consideration in the 2024/25 Review of Retail Payments Regulation Issues Paper.
8 October 2024
Payments System Statistics – Tables C2 and C2.1
Some series have been revised between Oct 2020 and Jul 2024 following a methodology review.
18 July 2024
Tables F13, F14 and F18
Tables F13, F14 and F18 will be discontinued after the May 2024 release. These series are being discontinued as the data are predominantly international in nature and widely available from other sources. Data on the Australian target cash rate will continue to be published in Tables A2, F1 and F1.1.
10 May 2024
New statistical table added – Market Economists Forecasts – J1
The RBA added a new statistical table Market Economists Forecasts – J1. This statistical table will provide summary statistics from the RBAs quarterly survey of market economists forecasts and include historical responses where available. The statistical table will be updated quarterly, on the Friday following the RBAs Statement on Monetary Policy publication.
Surveyed variables are headline inflation, underlying inflation, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth, real domestic final demand (DFD) growth, wage price index (WPI) growth, unemployment rate, cash rate, exchange rate, net exports, terms of trade, medium-to-long term inflation expectations, potential GDP growth, non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU), nominal neutral interest rate and the output gap. Summary statistics for each variable include the median, mean, low, high and number of responses.
These data are provided as a convenience for the public and are intended for academic research purposes. These data can be subject to revisions, may be withdrawn or discontinued at any time (in whole or in part) and should not be relied upon for any regulatory or commercial purposes. The source for all series will be RBA. See the Notes tab in the Table J1 Excel file for more detail.
7 May 2024
Payments System Statistics – C3
Data were revised from December quarter 2022 to exclude a non-bank reporter from these series:
- TOTAL merchant fees for: eftpos debit
- MERCHANT SERVICE FEES for: eftpos debit
This revision improves the comparability of the average merchant fees data across debit card schemes.
29 February 2024
Monetary Policy Operations – Current – A3
From 8 February 2024, Table A3 will provide additional data on floating rate repos in open market operations.
7 February 2024
Table B3 - Repurchase Agreements and Stock Lending by Banks and Registered Financial Corporations
From February 2024, current series in Table B3 will be replaced with alternative series. This change widens data coverage to include the total value of repurchase agreements outstanding by residual maturity and includes data on repurchase agreement interest rates. Table B3 will also follow a new publication schedule. Table B3 will now be published five business days after the end of the month, as opposed to the third Thursday after the end of the month.
29 December 2023
Indicative Mid Rates of Selected Australian Government Securities – F16
F16 statistical table has been added. This statistical table will provide daily closing bond yields for all nominal and inflation-linked Australian government securities (AGS). This statistical table will be updated weekly, for closing yields for 2 business days earlier.
These series represent the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)'s assessment of closing bond yields on Australian Government Securities. These assessments are informed by information provided to the RBA by a number of market participants, although the assessments are solely made by the RBA using its own judgment.
These yields are not (and are not administered by the RBA as) financial benchmarks, and are not accorded any special status by the RBA. These yields are provided as a convenience for the public and are intended for academic research purposes. The data quality of the RBA's assessments of closing yields is not guaranteed, assessments may differ from market prices and the RBA's methodology and information sources may change from time to time (without prior or subsequent notification). These data may not be available in a timely manner, can be subject to revisions, may be withdrawn or discontinued at any time (in whole or in part) and should not be relied upon for any regulatory or commercial purposes.
The source for all series will be “RBA”.
See the Notes for table F16 for more detail.
Zero-Coupon Interest Rates – Analytical Series – F17
From today, all series in F17 will be replaced with series calculated using the new series published in statistical table F16.
See changes to statistical table for F16 above, and the Notes for table F16 for more detail.
Inflation Expectations – G3
From today, the following series will be replaced in Table G3 – Inflation Expectations:
- Break-even 10-year inflation rate
This series will be replaced by series calculated from data representing the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)'s assessment of yields on Australian Government Securities. These assessments are informed by information provided to the RBA by a number of market participants, although the assessments are solely made by the RBA using its own judgment. The source for the series will be “RBA”.
Data will be updated on the fifth business day of January, April, July, and October.
See the Notes for table G3 for more detail.
Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – Daily – F2
From today, the following series will be replaced in Table F2 – Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – Daily by series calculated from data representing the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)'s assessment of closing bond yields on Australian Government Securities. These assessments are informed by information provided to the RBA by a number of market participants, although the assessments are solely made by the RBA using its own judgment.
These yields are not (and are not administered by the RBA as) financial benchmarks, and are not accorded any special status by the RBA. These yields are provided as a convenience for the public and are intended for academic research purposes. The data quality of the RBA's assessments of closing yields is not guaranteed, assessments may differ from market prices and the RBA's methodology and information sources may change from time to time (without prior or subsequent notification). These data may not be available in a timely manner, can be subject to revisions, may be withdrawn or discontinued at any time (in whole or in part) and should not be relied upon for any regulatory or commercial purposes.
This statistical table will be updated weekly, for closing yields for 2 business days earlier.
The following series have been replaced:
- Australian Government 2 year bond
- Australian Government 3 year bond
- Australian Government 5 year bond
- Australian Government 10 year bond
- Australian Government 10 year inflation indexed Bond (replacing “Australian Government Indexed Bond”)
The following series will be removed:
- NSW Treasury Corporation 3 year bond
- NSW Treasury Corporation 5 year bond
- NSW Treasury Corporation 10 year bond
Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – Monthly – F2.1
From today, the following series will be replaced in Table F2.1 – Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – Monthly by series calculated from data representing the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)'s assessment of closing bond yields on Australian Government Securities. These assessments are informed by information provided to the RBA by a number of market participants, although the assessments are solely made by the RBA using its own judgment.
These yields are not (and are not administered by the RBA as) financial benchmarks, and are not accorded any special status by the RBA. These yields are provided as a convenience for the public and are intended for academic research purposes. The data quality of the RBA's assessments of closing yields is not guaranteed, assessments may differ from market prices and the RBA's methodology and information sources may change from time to time (without prior or subsequent notification). These data may not be available in a timely manner, can be subject to revisions, may be withdrawn or discontinued at any time (in whole or in part) and should not be relied upon for any regulatory or commercial purposes.
This statistical table will be updated monthly, for average yields for the calendar month ending 2 business days earlier.
The following series have been replaced:
- Commonwealth Government 2 year bond
- Commonwealth Government 3 year bond
- Commonwealth Government 5 year bond
- Commonwealth Government 10 year bond
- Commonwealth Government 10 year inflation indexed Bond (replacing “Commonwealth Government Indexed Bond”)
The following series will be removed:
- NSW Treasury Corporation 3 year bond
- NSW Treasury Corporation 5 year bond
- NSW Treasury Corporation 10 year bond
13 December 2023
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C6.1
Due to the holiday period, the retail payments statistics (Tables C1 to C6.1) will be published a few days later than usual on Friday 12 January 2024. The normal publication schedule (7th, or next business day of the month) will resume thereafter.
8 December 2023
Domestic Banking Fees Charged – C9
In line with the new Bulletin publication schedule, the publication of this annual statistical table will be brought forward to Thursday 25 January 2024.
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates – D1
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
Monetary Aggregates – D3
Bank Lending Classified by Sector – D5
Assets of Financial Institutions – B01
Finance Companies & General Financiers – Selected Assets & Liabilities – B10
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Central Bank Survey – D11
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions Survey – D12
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Consolidated Survey – D13
Due to the holiday period, the financial aggregates for November will be published a few days earlier than usual on Friday 22 December 2023. Normal publication schedule (last business day of the month) will resume thereafter.
Advertised Deposit Rates – F4
Housing Lending Rates – F6
Business Lending Rates – F7
Personal Lending Rates – F8
Due to the holiday period, paid interest rates for November will be published a few days later than usual on Thursday 11 January 2024. The normal publication schedule (5 business days after the end of the month) will resume thereafter.
Paid Deposit Rates – F4.1
Indicator Lending Rates – F5
Due to the holiday period, advertised rates for December will be published a few days later than usual on Thursday 11 January 2024. The normal publication schedule (5 business days after the end of the month) will resume thereafter.
14 November 2023
Aggregate Measures of Australian Corporate Bond Spreads and Yields – F3
From 14 November 2023, due to commercial reasons, this statistical table will only include aggregate yields of Australian Corporate Bonds. Reflecting this change, the table will be renamed ‘Table F3 – Aggregate Measures of Australian Corporate Bond Yields’.
9 October 2023
Advertised Deposit Rates – F4
From October 2023, the following series will be removed from Table F4 – Advertised Deposit Rates due to data quality issues:
- Retail deposit and investment rates; Banks' term deposits ($10000); Average ‘special‘ rate (all terms)
4 September 2023
Retail Deposit and Investment Rates – F4
From 7 September 2023, this statistical table will be renamed Table F4 – Advertised Deposit Rates. No changes will be made to the data published but the RBA continuously reviews a variety of sources for deposit rate data and may make changes to the series provided here as a result. From September 2023, Table F4 will follow a new publication schedule. F4 will be published five business days after the end of the month.
Paid Deposit Rates – F4.1
From 7 September 2023, a new statistical table will be published. Table F4.1 – Paid Deposit Rates will provide monthly data on the rate of interest paid to households, institutions and all depositors. This table uses data from the Economic Financial Statistics (EFS) collection. The data will be published five business days after the end of the month.
Housing Lending Rates – F6
Business Lending Rates – F7
Personal Lending Rates – F8
From September 2023, interest rates published in Tables F6, F7 and F8 will follow a new publication schedule. Tables F6, F7 and F8 will be published five business days after the end of the month.
15 June 2023
Banks – Off-balance-sheet Business – B2
From March 2023, Table B2 contains changes reflecting updated APRA reporting standards related to the implementation of Basel III reforms and APRAs unquestionably strong capital ratios. These data will exclude foreign bank branches. Direct credit substitutes now also includes merchant acquiring exposures. Commitments and other non-market-related items contains additional items and the definition of commitment has changed. Figures refer to the exposure after credit risk mitigation has been applied, except where the credit conversion factor is zero, rather than notional value as was previously the case. These changes apply from the March 2023 quarter, and historical series have not been revised.
9 June 2023
Reserve Bank of Australia Balance Sheet
RBA Balance Sheet – A1
Reserve Bank of Australia Balance Sheet has superseded Statement of Liabilities and Assets. A new series Other reserves and current year earnings, which was historically included in Other liabilities, has been added.
Statistical tables Liabilities and Assets A1 and A1.1 have been superseded by RBA Balance Sheet - A1 to align with RBA Balance Sheet, with disaggregated assets, liabilities and equity data provided on a weekly basis.
24 May 2023
Monetary Policy Operations – Current – A3
From 24 May 2023, Table A3 will provide additional data on historic and scheduled Term Funding Facility maturities.
21 April 2023
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates – D1
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
Bank Lending Classified by Sector – D5
Finance Companies & General Financiers – Selected Assets & Liabilities –
Lending to Business – Business Finance Outstanding by Business Size and
Interest Rate Type – D14
Lending to Businesses – Business Finance Outstanding by Business Size and
Industry – D14.1
From the April 2023 release, changes will be made to the financial aggregates and business lending statistics to remove the effect of lending to warehouse trusts in business credit. Warehouse trusts are revolving credit facilities used by non-bank lenders to fund the origination of loans. Including lending to warehouse trusts in business credit double counts loans from non-banks that are separately recorded in housing or business credit. Business and total credit series that include lending to warehouse trusts will be discontinued as at 30 June 2019.
Instead, two new categories of business and total credit will be published.
- Credit excluding lending to financial businesses. Series that capture business credit to non-financial businesses will be published, with data available from April 2003. Total and business credit excluding financial businesses are the longest series available. Lending to non-financial businesses includes lending to community service organisations, private non-financial investment funds, other private non-financial corporations, private unincorporated businesses and government non-financial corporations.
- Credit including lending to select financial businesses. Series that capture business credit to both non-financial businesses and select financial businesses will be published, with data available from July 2019. Select financials includes lending to superannuation funds, insurance companies, financial auxiliaries and investment funds.
More information will be available in the notes of each publication.
31 March 2023
Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – F2
Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – F2.1
Indicative Mid Rates of Australian Government Securities – F16
Zero-coupon Interest Rates – Analytical Series – F17
Inflation Expectations – G3
Indicative Mid Rates of Australian Government Securities – 2009 to 2018 – F16
From 31 March 2023, Table F16 and historical data prior to 1 January 2021 in a number of interest rate series published in Statistical Tables F2, F2.1, F17 and G3 have been deleted. The calculation methodology for a number of interest rate series in Tables F2 and F2.1 has also been changed. These deletions and changes are due to commercial reasons. More information is available in the notes to tables for each publication.
17 March 2023
Retail Deposit and Investment Rates – F4
Indicator Lending Rates – F5
From April 2023, interest rates published in Table F4 and Table F5 will follow a new publication schedule. Tables F4 and F5 will now be published five business days after the end of the month, three business days later than the current publication schedule.
Data for housing, business and personal lending rates are also published in Table F6, Table F7 and Table F8. These data are collected by APRA as part of the Economic and Financial Statistics collection and report average actual rates to be paid on loans.
8 February 2023
Housing Loan Payments – E13
From 9 February 2023, a new statistical table will be published. Table E13 – Housing Loan Payments – will provide quarterly data on aggregate payments made by households on housing loans. This table uses data from the Economic Financial Statistics (EFS) collection. The data will normally be published on the second Thursday in February, May, August and November.
Household Finances – Selected Ratios – E2
From 9 February 2023, the following series will be removed from Table E2 – Household Finances – Selected Ratios.
- Housing interest payments to income
Instead, a new series on housing interest charged to household disposable income will be published in a new statistical table E13, named Housing Loan Payments, using data from the Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) collection.
More information will be available in the notes of the publications.
7 February 2023
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C3
Data from October 2022 incorporate additional non-banks to the Retail Payments Statistics survey. This coverage change increases the number and value of total transactions acquired in Australia and affects average merchant fees for debit, credit and charge cards.
16 December 2022
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C6.1
Due to the holiday period, the retail payments statistics (Tables C1 to C6.1) will be published a few days later than usual on Friday 13 January 2023. The normal publication schedule (7th, or next business day of the month) will resume thereafter.
6 December 2022
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates – D1
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
Monetary Aggregates – D3
Bank Lending Classified by Sector – D5
Assets of Financial Institutions – B01
Finance Companies & General Financiers – Selected Assets & Liabilities – B10
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Central Bank Survey – D11
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions Survey
– D12
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Consolidated Survey – D13
Due to the holiday period, the financial aggregates will be published a few days earlier than usual on Friday 23 December 2022. Normal publication schedule (last working day of the month) will resume thereafter.
Housing Lending Rates – F6
Business Lending Rates – F7
Personal Lending Rates – F8
Due to the holiday period, lending rates published in Table F6, Table F7 and Table F8 for November will be published a few days later than usual on Friday 13 January 2023. The normal publication schedule (25 business days after the end of the month) will resume thereafter.
1 December 2022
Table B10 – Finance Companies and General Financiers – Selected Assets and Liabilities
From 1 December 2022, the following series will be removed from Table B10 – Finance Companies and General Financiers – Selected Assets and Liabilities.
- Assets; Trading and investment securities; Debt
- Assets; Trading and investment securities; Equity
21 October 2022
Table F2 – Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – Daily
The notes to the table have been revised to clarify the selection of the 10-year nominal bonds.
22 June 2022
Table B9 – Money Market Corporations – Selected Assets and Liabilities
Table B9, ‘Money Market Corporations – Selected Assets and Liabilities’, will be discontinued from the June 2022 release. Following a regular review of the published statistics, these series are being discontinued as the data have become less reliable over time due to a decreasing number of reporting institutions.
Data on money market corporation assets can still be found on a quarterly basis in Statistical Table B1. Quarterly data on money market corporation overseas assets will be added to Table B1.
Table B9 will be moved to the discontinued data page
Table B1 – Assets of Financial Institutions
From 1 July 2022, Table B1 will include additional quarterly data on the overseas assets of money market corporations.
8 June 2022
Domestic Banking Fee Income – Table C9
On 16 June 2022, Table C9 – Domestic Banking Fee Income – will be retired to the Historical Data page because the underlying data collection has been discontinued. This table will be replaced by Table C9 – Domestic Banking Fees Charged – which contains newly available data from the Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) collection. The forthcoming June 2022 RBA Bulletin article ‘Bank Fees in Australia’ will provide further information on changes in reporting.
2 May 2022
Table F12 – US Dollar Exchange Rates and Gold Price
From 2 May 2022, publication of the Gold Price in Table F12 will cease.
12 April 2022
Table F1 – Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Daily
From 12 April 2022, Table F1 will provide additional data on some days where Expert Judgement has been applied, provided there have been sufficient Cash Market Transactions and Participants. Further details on the use of Expert Judgement can be found in the Cash Rate Procedures Manual.
Table F1.1 – Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Monthly
From 12 April 2022, Table F1.1 will provide additional monthly data on the Cash Market, including the monthly average Highest Interbank Overnight Cash Rate, monthly average Lowest Interbank Overnight Cash Rate, Volume of Cash Market Transactions in the month, and Number of Cash Market Transactions in the month. Further details can be found in the Cash Rate Procedures Manual.
14 March 2022
Aggregate Measures of Australian Corporate Bond Spreads and Yields – Table F3
From the 14 March 2022 publication onwards, Table F3 will use Australian Government Securities (AGS) yields from Yieldbroker to construct the reported spreads to AGS. Note that there will be no revisions made to the history of these series. Previously, AGS yields were sourced from Bloomberg.
7 March 2022
Payments System Statistics – Table C3
On 7 March 2022 an expanded version of Table C3 – Average Merchant Fees for Debit, Credit and Charge Cards was published. The table provides data on average fees paid by merchants to acquirers when accepting card payments from consumers. The table now provides estimates of average merchant fees for a broader range of transaction types. This includes average fees by card scheme, separate estimates for transactions using domestic and international cards, and for device-present/device-not-present transactions. The series in this table are derived from newly collected data submitted to the Bank by a sample of card acquirers, with historical data provided back to the September quarter 2020. The estimates of merchant fees in this table may be subject to revision over time.
21 December 2021
Housing Lending Rates – F6
Business Lending Rates – F7
Personal Lending Rates – F8
Due to the holiday period, lenders' interest rates (Tables F6 and F7) and Table F8 will be published a few days later than usual on Friday 14 January 2022. The normal publication schedule (25 business days after the end of the month) will resume thereafter.
16 December 2021
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C6.1
Due to the holiday period, the retail payments statistics (Tables C1 to C6.1) will be published a few days later than usual on Wednesday 12 January 2022. The normal publication schedule (7th, or next business day of the month) will resume thereafter.
16 December 2021
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates – D1
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
Monetary Aggregates – D3
Bank Lending Classified by Sector – D5
Due to the holiday period, the financial aggregates will be published a few days earlier than usual on Thursday 23 December 2021. Normal publication schedule (last working day of the month) will resume thereafter.
8 November 2021
Payment System Statistics – Table C3
Table C3 will not be updated on 8 November. The Bank will be publishing a new, expanded version of this Table in a month or two. The remainder of the Retail Payments tables will be updated as usual on 8 November.
21 October 2021
Foreign Exchange Transactions and Holdings of Official Reserve Assets – A4
The market value of derivatives with non-resident entities and holdings in the Asian Bond Fund have been reclassified from ‘Official reserve assets (FX)’ to ‘Official reserve assets (Other)’, with the historical data revised from January 2015 onwards based on the new classifications.
Historical data have been revised from March 2021 onwards to include loans to the IMF's Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT). PRGT loans are classified in ‘Official reserve assets (Other)’.
6 October 2021
Monetary Policy Operations – Current – A3
From 6 October 2021, the tab ‘Daily Open Market Operations’ will be renamed ‘Regular Open Market Operations’. This reflects a change to the usual frequency of the Reserve Bank's regular open market liquidity operations from daily to weekly.
16 September 2021
Foreign Exchange Transactions and Holdings of Official Reserve Assets – A4
From 16 September 2021, ‘RBA FX transactions (Other)’ and ‘RBA FX transactions (Total)’ will be renamed ‘FX transactions (Other)’ and ‘FX transactions (Total)’, respectively.
22 July 2021
Monetary Policy Operations – Current – A3
From 22 July 2021, US Dollar Repo Operations will include the Auction Announcement Date in column A.
26 May 2021
Assets of Financial Institutions – B1
From 26 May 2021, the following series will be removed from Table B1 – Assets of Financial Institutions:
- Assets; ADIs; Banks,
- Assets; ADIs; Building societies
- Assets; ADIs; Credit unions.
The ‘Assets; ADIs; Total’ series will be renamed to ‘Assets; Banks’.
13 May 2021
Securities Lending Repurchase and Switch Transactions in Australian Government Securities and Semis – A3.2
From 13 May 2021, a new statistical table will be published. Table A3.2 – Securities Lending Repurchase and Switch Transactions in Australian Government Securities and Semis. Certain details of the Bank's Securities Lending repurchase transactions settled and outright ‘Switch’ transactions contracted through the previous month will be provided. The data will be published on the second Thursday of the month.
18 March 2021
Foreign Exchange Transactions and Holdings of Official Reserve Assets – A4
From 18 March 2021, the series ‘Net forward foreign currency commitments: short-term‘ will be added to Table A4, and defined as net forward foreign currency commitments that mature within 12 months.
The ‘Net foreign reserves’ and ‘Net foreign reserves (FX)’ series will be renamed to ‘Foreign Currency Liquidity’ and ‘Foreign Currency Liquidity (FX)’ respectively, for greater consistency with the IMF's terminology. Their definitions will also change to only net short-term forward FX commitments. That is, these series will not net forward commitments with greater than 12 months to maturity.
This has resulted in minor revisions to the history of these series.
8 March 2021
Monetary Policy Operations – Current – A3
From 12 March 2021, the outstanding value of funding obtained under the Term Funding Facility (TFF) (Series ID ATFFOTD) will be replaced with balances calculated on a settled basis. Previously, balances were reported on a contracted basis. The change to settlement basis brings the reporting of outstanding TFF balances in line with the rest of outstanding balances reported in A3.
2 February 2021
International Share Price Indices – F8
The International Share Price Indices table will now be referenced as F18 (instead of F8).
12 January 2021
Payments System Statistics – Tables C2 and C2.1
Some series have been revised between May 2018 and October 2020 following a methodology review.
6 January 2021
Securitisation Vehicles – B19
We have discontinued table B19 because the data are available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics as ’Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers‘
24 December 2020
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C6.1
Due to the holiday period, the retail payments statistics (Tables C1 to C6.1) will be published a few days later than usual on Tuesday 12 January 2021. The normal publication schedule (7th or next business day of the month) will resume thereafter.
2 December 2020
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates – D1
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
Monetary Aggregates – D3
Bank Lending Classified by Sector – D5
Due to the holiday period, the financial aggregates will be published a few days earlier than usual on Wednesday 23 December 2020. Normal publication schedule (last working day of the month) will resume thereafter.
9 October 2020
Open Market Operations – Current – A3
From 9 October 2020, Table A3 will provide additional series following the end of the Term Funding Facility initial allowance drawdown period and the beginning of the supplementary allowances drawdown period. Two new series will be added: Initial Allowance Drawdowns and Supplementary Allowance. The Total Funding Allowance series will now be the sum of Initial Allowance Drawdowns, Additional Allowance attributed to SME Lending, Additional Allowance attributed to Large Business Lending and Supplementary Allowance.
10 September 2020
Holdings of Australian Government Securities and Semis – A3.1
From 10 September 2020, a new statistical table will be published. Table A3.1 – Holdings of Australian Government Securities and Semis – will provide monthly data on the Bank's outright holdings of Australian Government Securities and semi-government securities, by bond line. The data will be published on the second Thursday of the month.
6 July 2020
Open Market Operations – Current – A3
From 6 July 2020, Table A3 will provide additional data on short-dated liquidity management operations conducted by the Bank, which involve over-the-counter purchases of short-dated Australian Government Securities for liquidity management purposes. The data will be published with a one week delay.
26 June 2020
Household Finances – Selected Ratios – E2
From the September quarter 2019, interest payments are calculated using a weighted average of interest rates on outstanding household debt from the Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) collection. For more information, see Updates to Australia's Financial Aggregates and the July 2019 Financial Aggregates.
9 June 2020
Payments System Statistics – Table C6.1
The March 2020 data in some series have been revised following a methodology review. The ‘NPP basic single credit transfers’ and ‘Total NPP payments’ series will now exclude any transactions between accounts held at the RBA for the purposes of intra-government funding transfers.
28 May 2020
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C6.1
From June 2020, the retail payments statistics (Tables C1 to C6.1) will be published on the 7th (or next business day) of each month.
Table C3, which is updated on a quarterly basis, will be published on the 7th (or next business day) of February, May, August and November.
15 May 2020
Labour Force – H5
The Labour Force trend series (as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics) have been suspended from April 2020, until more certainty emerges in the underlying trend in labour market activity over the COVID-19 period. This is in recognition of the time series shocks in the labour market between the March 2020 and April 2020 data points. For further details, refer to ABS Labour Force 6202.0 - April 2020 Suspension of Trend Series
12 May 2020
Lending to Business – D14, D14.1
From the March 2020 release, changes will be made to Tables D14 and D14.1 to add series that exclude lending to selected financial institutions. These financial institutions are authorised deposit-taking institutions, registered financial corporations, central borrowing authorities and the Reserve Bank of Australia.
The following series will be added to Table D14.
- Business; Outstanding; Small business; Total excluding lending to selected financials
- Business; Outstanding; Medium business; Total excluding lending to selected financials
- Business; Outstanding; Large business; Total excluding lending to selected financials
The following series will be replaced in Table D14.1 by series that do not include lending to the selected financial institutions.
- Business; Outstanding; Total
- Business; Outstanding; Small business; Financial and insurance
- Business; Outstanding; Medium business; Financial and insurance
- Business; Outstanding; Large business; Financial and insurance
The replacement series will be named to indicate that they exclude lending to selected financial institutions.
7 May 2020
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C6.1
The retail payments statistics for March 2020 are being published a few days earlier than usual, on 7 May. The normal publication schedule (12th day of the month) is expected to resume thereafter.
6 May 2020
Table F1 – Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Daily
From 6 May 2020, Table F1 will provide additional detail on when and how Expert Judgement is used to determine the Interbank Overnight Cash Rate. This will be included in an additional tab in Table F1 specifying each time Expert Judgement has been used, and specifying which type of Expert Judgement has been applied. Further details on the use of Expert Judgement can be found in the Cash Rate Procedures Manual.
8 April 2020
Open Market Operations – Current – A3
From 14 April 2020, Table A3 will be renamed Monetary Policy Operations. It will include data on the Reserve Bank's Term Funding Facility to Support Lending to Australian Businesses (TFF). It will consist of weekly data on total TFF drawings and monthly data on the total TFF Funding Allowance and Additional Allowance accruing from lending to small and medium-sized enterprises and large businesses.
30 March 2020
Changes to the publication date of Tables F6–F8
From next month, statistical tables F6–F8 will be published 25 business days after the end of the month.
26 March 2020
Open Market Operations – Current – A3
From 26 March 2020, changes will be made to Table A3 to coincide with the commencement of the RBA and US Federal Reserve temporary reciprocal currency arrangement (swap line) for the provision of US dollar liquidity established in March 2020. These include the aggregate value, weighted average and cut-off rates of US dollar repos dealt.
19 March 2020
Table B3 - Repurchase Agreements and Stock Lending by Banks and Registered Financial Corporations
From 19 March 2020, changes will be made to Table B3, resulting from the publication of additional data on Repurchase Agreements and Stock Lending from the Economic Financial Statistics collection (EFS).
Data for Repurchase Agreements and Stock Lending will be reported separately.
- Repurchase Agreements data will be reported by collateral security and counterparty categories. The collateral security categories will remain unchanged and include Australian Government Securities (AGS); semi-government securities (semis); and all other debt and equity securities (other). Counterparty categories will remain unchanged and include the RBA; banks and registered financial corporations; non-resident institutions; and all other resident institutions.
- Stock Lending data will be reported by security and counterparty categories. The security will refer to the security being borrowed in a securities borrowing transactions and the security being lent in a securities lending transaction. The security categories will be changed to Australian Government Securities (AGS); semi-government securities (semis); equity securities (equities); supras and foreign agency debt (supras) and all other debt securities (other). Counterparty categories will remain unchanged and include the RBA; banks and registered financial corporations; non-resident institutions; and all other resident institutions.
More information will be available in the notes of each publication.
The data will be now be published on a monthly basis on the third Thursday of each month. The first publication will contain data for the January 2020 reporting period.
Data prior to January 2020 will be moved to the historical data page.
14 February 2020
Bank Lending to Business – D7 to D7.4 and D8
New Tables – Lending to Business – D14, D14.1
From 12 March 2020, Statistical Tables D7, D7.1, D7.2, D7.3, D7.4 and D8 will be discontinued because the underlying statistical collection was discontinued. This follows the implementation of the Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) collection.
Instead, two new statistical tables, named Lending to Business, will be published containing data from the EFS collection. In these new tables, the data will include lending by both banks and registered financial corporations.
- Table D14 – Lending to Business – Business Finance Outstanding by Business Size and Interest Rate Type will present the value of business finance outstanding by business size (small, medium and large) and interest rate type (variable or fixed rate). The table will also present the value of small business lending that is secured by residential property.
- Table D14.1 – Lending to Business – Business Finance Outstanding by Business Size and Industry will present the value of business finance outstanding by business size (small, medium and large) and industry. The industries are presented in accordance with the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 edition.
More information will be available in the notes of each publication.
The table will be published on the second Thursday of each month. The first publication will contain data for the July 2019 to January 2020 reporting periods.
Statistical Tables D7 to D7.4 and D8 will be moved to the discontinued data page.
6 January 2020
Table F5 – Indicator lending rates (formerly, Lending Rates)
From the February 2020 release, changes will be made to Table F5, resulting from the publication of additional lending rate data from the Economic Financial Statistics collection in new statistical tables.
The table will be renamed Indicator lending rates.
The following series will be added to Table F5:
- Lending rates; Housing loans; Banks; Variable; Standard interest-only; Owner-occupier
- Lending rates; Housing loans; Banks; Variable; Standard interest-only; Investor
The following series will be discontinued from Table F5 and replaced with alternative series published in Table F7 – Business lending rates:
- Lending rates; Small business; Variable; Weighted-average rate on credit outstanding
- Lending rates; Large business; Weighted-average rate on credit outstanding; Variable
- Lending rates; Large business; Weighted-average rate on credit outstanding; Bills
From the April 2020 release, the titles of the following series will be changed in F5:
- Lending rates; Small business; Variable; Residential-secured; Term will be Lending rates; Small business; Variable; Term
- Lending rates; Small business; Variable; Residential-secured; Overdraft will be Lending rates; Small business; Variable; Overdraft
This change will not affect the content of the series.
From the April 2020 release, the following series will be discontinued from Table F5:
- Lending rates; Small business; Variable; Residential-secured; Overdraft
- Lending rates; Small business; Variable; Other; Term
- Lending rates; Small business; Variable; Small overdraft
- Lending rates; Small business; 3-year fixed
- Lending rates; Housing loans; Mortgage managers; Variable; Standard
- Lending rates; Housing loans; Mortgage managers; Variable; Basic
- Lending rates; Securitised housing loans; Average outstanding variable rate
- Lending rates; Securitised housing loans; Average outstanding variable rate; Owner-occupier; Principal & Interest
- Lending rates; Securitised housing loans; Average outstanding variable rate; Owner-occupier; Interest Only
- Lending rates; Securitised housing loans; Average outstanding variable rate; Investor; Principal & Interest
- Lending rates; Securitised housing loans; Average outstanding variable rate; Investor; Interest Only
- Lending rates; Personal loans; Term loans (unsecured); Fixed
- Lending rates; Personal loans; Term loans (unsecured); Variable
- Lending rates; Personal loans; Revolving credit; Home equity loans
- Lending rates; Personal loans; Revolving credit; Margin loans
Alternative series will be published in Tables F6–F8 from 30 January 2020 onwards.
New Tables – Housing (F6), business (F7), and personal (F8) lending rates
From 30 January 2020, three new statistical tables will be published. This follows the implementation of the Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) collection. Each table will include average interest rates for credit outstanding and new loans funded in the month. The content of these tables is intended to increase the transparency of the actual interest rates paid by borrowers.
- Table F6 – Housing lending rates – will present a range of average housing loan rates for owner-occupied and investment loans.
- Table F7 – Business lending rates – will present average business lending rates by business size (small, medium, and large) and interest rate type. The table will also include interest rates on small business loans secured by residential property.
- Table F8 – Personal lending rates – will present average interest rates for various types of personal credit and interest rate type.
More information will be available in notes to tables for each publication.
The tables will be published on the 20 business day of the month.
17 December 2019
Household and Business Balance Sheets – E1
Household Finances – Selected Ratios – E2
Following the release of the September quarter 2019 release of the ‘Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth’, which will be published by the ABS on 19 December, there will be some changes to the series in Table E1 (Household and Business Balance Sheets) and Table E2 (Household Finances – Selected Ratios). These changes are the result of conceptual changes to the construction of these series following the implementation of the Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) data collection.
18 November 2019
Monthly Activity Indicators – H3
The series Motor vehicle sales has been discontinued. The change is due to the Australian Bureau of Statistics ceasing to collect the Sales of New Motor Vehicles. As foreshadowed in the ABS 2017-2018 Forward Work Program, December 2017 is the final issue of the Sales of New Motor Vehicles, Australia (cat. no. 9314.0) publication. Data on sales of new motor vehicles (in original terms) is available from the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries website.
8 November 2019
Margin Lending – D10
From the September quarter 2019 release, some changes will be made to Table D10 following the implementation of the Economic and Financial Statistics Collection (EFS).
Data reported to APRA as part of the EFS collection will be used as the source for the margin lending data. This replaces the survey that was previously conducted by the RBA. The new collection will cover authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) and registered financial corporations (RFCs) where the outstanding stock of margin lending is $150 million or more.
Conceptual changes will affect the series published in Table D10:
- The series Margin lending; Average number of margin calls per day will be discontinued.
- A new series Margin lending; Number of loans where margin calls were made over the quarter will be published.
Table D10 will now be released on the second Thursday of December, March, June and September. This change will be effective for the September quarter 2019 release, which will be published on Thursday 12 December 2019.
25 October 2019
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates – D1
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
Monetary Aggregates – D3
Bank Lending Classified by Sector – D5
Due to the holiday period, the financial aggregates will be published a few days earlier than usual on Monday 23 December. Normal publication schedule (last working day of the month) will resume thereafter.
14 October 2019
Payments System Statistics – Table C3
Some series have been revised between December 2018 and June 2019 following a methodology review.
13 August 2019
Assets of Financial Institutions – B1
This table will no longer include the following series:
- Assets; Life offices and superannuation funds; Life insurance offices
- Assets; Life offices and superannuation funds; Superannuation funds
- Assets; Life offices and superannuation; Total
- Assets; Other managed funds; Public unit trusts
- Assets; Other managed funds; Cash management trusts
- Assets; Other managed funds; Common funds
- Assets; Other managed funds; Friendly societies
- Assets; Other financial institutions; General insurance offices
- Assets; Other financial institutions; Securitisation vehicles
- Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth (5232.0) – Assets; Other financial institutions; General insurance offices
- Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers (5232.0.55.001) – Assets; Other financial institutions; Securitisation vehicles
- Managed Funds Australia (5655.0) – all other series
13 August 2019
Lending Commitments – All Lenders – D6
This table has been discontinued. Data are available in the Australian Bureau of Statistics publication Lending to Households and Businesses, Australia (5601.0)
12 August 2019
Payments System Statistics – Table C1, C1.1 and C1.2
The value of credit and charge card repayments has been revised between January 2016 and April 2018 following a methodology review.
31 July 2019
Monetary Aggregates – Table D3
From the July 2019 Financial Aggregates release, which will be published on 30 August, some changes to Table D3 (Monetary Aggregates) will be implemented as a result of conceptual changes following the implementation of the Economic and Financial Statistics Collection. These changes are consistent with the revised framework for the monetary aggregates outlined in Updates to Australia's Financial Aggregates.
- The series Current deposits with banks will be replaced with Transaction deposits with ADIs. The new series will include all transaction deposits rather than just chequing accounts, and will be for all ADIs rather than banks.
- The series Certificates of deposit issued by banks will be replaced with Certificates of deposit issued by ADIs.
- The series Term deposits with banks, Other deposits with banks, and Deposits with non-bank ADIs will be replaced with Non-Transaction deposits with ADIs. This series will include all non-transaction deposits, and will be for all ADIs rather than banks.
30 May 2019
Lending Rates – Table F5
Data for interest rates from securitised loans will be re-weighted using housing credit shares from the June publication, resulting in minor historical revisions.
13 May 2019
Payments System Statistics – Table C3
Some series have been revised from June 2018 quarter following a methodology review.
7 May 2019
Australian Share Market – F7
This table is no longer available.
18 April 2019
Lending Rates – F5
Data for the 3-year fixed rate for small business will be revised from May 2019 following a methodological review.
12 April 2019
Payments System Statistics – Tables C4 to C4.1
Some series in the above tables have been revised to reflect changes to methodology. The entire history has been revised for those series.
21 March 2019
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C6.1
The Reserve Bank has significantly expanded the retail payments data that it publishes from 61 to around 300 series. There were some changes to the naming and structure of tables C1 to C6, as well as how the data are organised across the tables. For more information on the expanded data, see New Payments Insights from the Updated Retail Payments Statistics Collection. The old versions of the statistical tables have been moved to the Discontinued data page.
5 February 2019
Indicative Mid Rates of Australian Government Securities – F16
Matured Bonds and yields up to the end of the 2018 calendar year have been removed from this table and integrated with yields in an Historical table.
Lending Commitments – All Lenders – D6
The Australian Bureau of Statistics is revamping its monthly finance statistics – see ABS Information Paper: Forthcoming Changes to Monthly Finance Statistics (5601.0.55.001) for further details. Following this revamp, Table D6 will contain high-level housing and commercial lending commitments data (by value). For housing approvals the table will contain: lending to households for dwellings, total excluding refinancing; lending to households for owner-occupier dwellings excluding refinancing; and lending to households for investment dwellings excluding refinancing. For commercial approvals the table will contain: commercial lending commitments, total fixed loans and revolving credit; commercial lending commitments, total fixed loans; commercial lending commitments revolving credit.
These data and more detailed lending commitments data will be available in the ABS publication Lending to Households and Businesses, Australia (5601.0)
Life Insurance Offices – Statutory Funds – B14
This table has been discontinued. Data are available in the Australian Bureau of Statistics publication Managed Funds, Australia (5655.0).
Superannuation Funds – Outside Life Offices – B15
This table has been discontinued. Data are available in the Australian Bureau of Statistics publication Managed Funds, Australia (5655.0).
Public Unit Trusts – B16
This table has been discontinued. Data are available in the Australian Bureau of Statistics publication Managed Funds, Australia (5655.0).
Cash Management Trusts – B17
This table has been discontinued. Data are available in the Australian Bureau of Statistics publication Managed Funds, Australia (5655.0).
Managed Funds – B18
This table has been discontinued. Data are available in the Australian Bureau of Statistics publication Managed Funds, Australia (5655.0). The series Managed Funds; Domestic managed fund institutions; Unconsolidated; Statutory funds of life insurance offices; Superannuation will be moved to Table B1.
10 January 2019
Indicator Lending Rates – F5
From February 2019, this table will be renamed Lending Rates – F5. The data will no longer be rounded to the nearest 5 basis points.
2 November 2018
Indicator Lending Rates – F5
5 new data series have been added to statistical table F5 based on the interest rates on outstanding housing loans in the Securitisation Dataset.
20 August 2018
Foreign Exchange Transactions and Holdings of Official Reserve Assets –
Banknotes on Issue by Denomination – A6
Detected Australian Counterfeits by Denomination – A7
US Dollar Exchange Rates and Gold Price – F12
Balance of Payments – Financial Account – I3
Australias Gross Foreign Assets and Liabilities – I4
Australias Net Foreign Liabilities – I5
From 1 September the format of the date column of the above tables will change to show the full date (day, month and year) to avoid ambiguity about these being end-of-period data.
The tables' associated CSV files change as a result and will show a full date rather than just month and year.
13 August 2018
Cheques, Direct Entry and NPP Payments – C6 and Real-time Gross Settlement Statistics – C7
On 13 February 2018, the New Payments Platform (NPP) was publically launched. The NPP was developed via industry collaboration to enable households, businesses and government agencies to make real-time payments, with immediate funds availability to the recipient, on a 24/7 basis. It also offers a simpler way of addressing payments and allows more complete information to be sent with the payment than in the legacy interbank electronic payment system. The NPP infrastructure also supports the independent development of ‘overlay’ services to offer innovative payment services to end-users.
To facilitate the immediate settlement of NPP payments, the Reserve Bank built the Fast Settlement Service (FSS). The FSS is a new service of the Reserve Bank Information and Transfer System (RITS), which is Australias interbank settlement system.
The Reserve Bank is now publishing data relating to the NPP and the FSS.
- Table C6 ‘Cheques, Direct Entry and NPP Payments’ now contains the series ‘Total number of NPP payments’ and ‘Total value of NPP payments’. These series cover all intrabank and interbank NPP payments.
- Table C7 ‘Real-time Gross Settlement Statistics’ now contains the series ‘FSS business days’, ‘Number of interbank FSS payments’, and ‘Value of interbank FSS payments’. These series cover interbank NPP transactions settled in the FSS.
For further information on the NPP and the FSS, see the Reserve Bank website at New Payments Platform and ‘Box D: The New Payments Platform and Fast Settlement Service’, RBA Financial Stability Review, April 2018, pp 49–52, and the NPP Australia Limited (NPPA) website.
19 July 2018
Foreign Exchange Transactions and Holdings of Official Reserve Assets – A4
A new data series, net foreign reserves (FX), has been added to statistical table A4.
12 July 2018
Payments System Statistics – Tables C1 to C6
Data from May 2018 incorporate changes to the coverage and methodology of the Retail Payments Statistics survey. These changes were made following an extensive review by the Bank to ensure the information it collects remains relevant and to reduce reporting burden for a number of smaller financial institutions. In addition, the Bank amended and clarified some of the definitions for continuing series in its explanatory notes.
The size of the changes varies across tables, but tends to be largest for the series on direct entry payments in Table C6. In addition, as part of the revised collection, the Bank no longer collects data that distinguishes credit cards with and without interest-free periods. As such, Table C1.1 has been discontinued.
5 June 2018
Aggregate Measures of Australian Corporate Bond Spreads and Yields – F3
The corporate bond spreads in the above table have been revised to reflect changes to methodology. The entire history has been revised. Some of the changes are explained in the Notes tab of the spreadsheet
29 May 2018
Finance Companies & General Financiers – Selected Assets & Liabilities – B10
A number of series in B10 have been revised due to a correction in the data. The revisions affect data from July 2016 to November 2017.
1 May 2018
Banknotes on Issue by Denomination – A6
The table now shows a longer history, starting in 1945.
20 March 2018
International Banking Statistics – Banks & RFCs (B11, B12, B13)
From the December quarter of 2017, the International Banking Statistics tables have been prepared based on data reported to APRA through four new forms (ARF 731.1, ARF 731.3a, ARF 731.3b and ARF 731.4) that replace the ARF/RRF 231 International Exposures forms. These changes have been implemented in response to the Bank of International Settlements'enhancements to the International Banking statistics, which Australia contributes to. This has resulted in a series break from December 2017 due to differences between the old and new forms, system changes made by reporting institutions implementing the new forms and inconsistencies in the definitions adopted by each organisation. The series that have been most affected include: derivative exposures; the allocation of debt security liabilities by country/counterparty; liabilities to banks; and claims on/liabilities to international organisations. For a number of these and other series, further revisions to the data are likely as outstanding issues with reporting to the new standard are resolved.
21 February 2018
International Banking Statistics – Banks & RFCs (B11, B12, B13)
From the December quarter of 2017, the International Banking Statistics tables have been prepared based on data reported to APRA in four new forms (ARF 731.1, ARF 731.3a, ARF 731.3b and ARF 731.4) that replace the ARF/RRF 231 International Exposures forms. These changes have been implemented in response to the Bank of International Settlements’ enhancements to the International Banking statistics, which Australia contributes to. Since some institutions are still in the process of submitting the data on the new standard, the RBA has decided to delay the release of these tables until the data are suitably comprehensive and of sufficient quality.
13 February 2018
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Central Bank Survey – D11
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions – D12
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Consolidated Survey – D13
Several series in D11, D12 and D13 have been revised. These revisions follow a review of the concepts and methodologies around the reporting of these data.
9 February 2018
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates – D1
The growth rates of owner-occupier and investor housing credit have been revised. These revisions reflect a change to the methodology of adjusting for the effect of switching of loan purpose between investor and owner-occupier categories. For further information, see RBA (2018), ’Box D: Measures of Investor and Owner-Occupier Housing Credit‘,Statement on Monetary Policy, February.
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
The table now shows the net value of housing loans reported as having switched purpose from investor to owner-occupier with the same lender. This value of switching has been reported in the Financial Aggregates press release since September 2015.
31 January 2018
International Reserves & Foreign Currency Liquidity
The methodology for reporting Australia's official reserve assets has been revised to realign it with the International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity guidelines published by the IMF. The reporting basis of Sections I, II and IV of the International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity template has changed. Data in the template have been revised from January 2015 onwards. In addition, data will now be presented as a time series, rather than a single month. For further information on changes to the reporting methodology for Australia's foreign reserve holdings, see Potter C (2017), ‘Reporting Australia's Foreign Reserve Holdings’, RBA Bulletin, December, pp 1–6.
18 January 2018
Foreign Exchange Transactions and Holdings of Official Reserve Assets – A4
The methodology for reporting Australia's official reserve assets in A4 has been revised to realign it with the International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity guidelines published by the IMF. As a result, ‘Other foreign currency assets’has been added as a data series and the ‘Forward commitments’ and ‘Net reserves’series have been renamed ‘Net forward foreign currency commitments’ and ‘Net foreign reserves’respectively. The reporting basis of the ‘RBA FX transactions (Other)’,‘Official reserve assets (Total)’, ‘Forward foreign currency commitments’,‘Net foreign reserves’, ‘Official reserve assets (FX)’,‘Official reserve assets (Gold)’ and ‘Official reserve assets (Total, USD equivalent)’series have also been changed. Data in A4 have been revised from January 2015 onwards. For further information on changes to the reporting methodology for Australia's foreign reserve holdings, see Potter C (2017), ‘Reporting Australia's Foreign Reserve Holdings’, RBA Bulletin, December, pp 1–6.
17 January 2018
Monthly Activity Indicators – H3
The table will cease publication of motor vehicle sales after the December 2017 issue on 16 January 2018. For further information, please visit Sales of New Motor Vehicles, Australia or contact the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
13 November 2017
Average Merchant Fees for Debit, Credit and Charge Cards – C3
The table now shows merchant fees for MasterCard and Visa separately for credit and debit. It also now shows merchant fees for eftpos as a per cent of transaction values.
5 June 2017
Aggregate Measures of Australian Corporate Bond Spreads and Yields – F3
The corporate bond spreads in the above table have been revised to reflect changes to methodology. A revised series back to September 2014 has been published.
15 May 2017
Open Market Operations – Current – A3
The table now shows the intended size of additional OMO dealing round operations. It also now includes securities held via triparty in the market value of securities held under reverse repo.
22 March 2017
Inflation Expectations – G3
The table now shows a longer history for 2-year union expectations, 1-year market economist expectations, and 2-year market economist expectations.
16 March 2017
Bank lending to Business – Selected Statistics – D8
The weighted average interest rates on credit outstanding have been revised to incorporate additional data collected by the RBA. Interest rates also exclude an estimate of intra-group and foreign currency denominated loans. The revisions affect data from December 1994 to January 2017.
2 March 2017
Indicator Lending Rates – F5
Business lending rates – ‘weighted average interest rates on credit outstanding’ have been revised to incorporate additional data collected by the RBA. Interest rates also exclude an estimate of intra-group and foreign currency denominated loans. The revisions affect data from December 1994 to January 2017.
Housing lending rates – the mortgage manager lending rates series have been revised from January 2004 to January 2017 to reflect improvements in the underlying sample. Notes on breaks in series have been added to the table where relevant.
1 February 2017
Renminbi-denominated Deposits and Loans of Australian-resident Financial Institutions – B20
This new table provides data on renminbi-denominated deposits and loans held by Australian-resident financial institutions. These data are compiled from a quarterly survey of financial institutions that represent the bulk of the renminbi market in Australia.
30 November 2016
Real Exchange Rate Measures – F15
Exchange Rates – Daily - Current
New weights for the trade-weighted index (TWI) of the Australian dollar will apply from 1 December 2016. The weights are based on the composition of Australia's merchandise goods and services trade for the 2015/16 financial year. For further information, please see Weights for the TWI.
24 November 2016
Repurchase Agreements and Stock Lending by Banks and RFCs – B3
The series in the above table have been revised due to a correction in the data. The revisions mostly affect the data starting from December 2015.
30 September 2016
Detected Australian Counterfeits by Denomination – A7
The new table provides biannual data on the number of counterfeits detected since 2003. Counterfeit data is also presented in a ‘parts per million (PPM)’ format to provide context when comparing counterfeiting in different periods.
Debt Securities Outstanding – D4
The series in the above table have been revised to reflect a change in Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) categories, with debt issued by the real estate sector now included within the non-financial corporations category.
19 August 2016
Labour Force – H5
The new table reflects monthly hours worked figures that have been ‘benchmarked’
to a new annual hours worked estimate. For further
information, please visit
Labour Force,
Australia, Jul 2016 or
contact the Australian Bureau of
8 August 2016
Zero-coupon Interest Rates – F17
The series in the above table have been revised due to a correction in the data and a change in methodology. The revisions affect the data starting from 2014.
2 August 2016
Real Exchange Rate Measures – F15
The series in the above table have been revised due to the availability of more accurate data. These largely reflect the replacement of price indices with core consumer price indices where they have now become available.
20 June 2016
Repurchase Agreements and Stock Lending by Banks and RFCs – B3
This new table provides data on repurchase agreements and stock lending by banks and Registered Financial Corporations (RFCs). The table reports the aggregate size of borrowing and lending positions, disaggregated by security type and counterparty type. This table will be updated for the most recent end-quarter on the fourth Thursday in February, May, August and November.
9 May 2016
Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Daily – F1
Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Daily – 1976 to 31 December 2010 – F1
The Cash Rate Total Return Index has been added as a data series in F1, commencing on 4 January 2011. To accommodate this change, the date range for data series in F1 commences on 4 January 2011, and the date range for data series in Historical Table F1 ends at 31 December 2010.
From 10 May 2016, the RBA will commence publishing the Number of Cash Market Transactions as a data series in F1.
16 March 2016
Australian Share Market – F7
The dividend yield and price/earnings ratio series are now based on the S&P/ASX 200 index and are constructed by Thomson Reuters. Previously the data were based on the MSCI Australia index and were constructed by MSCI. The full history of both series has been revised.
25 February 2016
Assets & Liabilities of Australian-located Operations –
Consolidated Exposures – Immediate and Ultimate Risk Basis – B11.2
Assets of Australian-located Operations – B12.1
Liabilities of Australian-located Operations – B12.2
Consolidated Exposures – Immediate Risk Basis – B13.1
Consolidated Exposures – Ultimate Risk Basis – B13.2
Six data series previously published in B11.1 and B11.2 have been discontinued. These changes are due to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) ceasing to collect International Banking Statistics from Registered Financial Corporations (RFCs) in September 2010. RFC data will continue to be included in all remaining series between March 2003 and September 2010.
Four data series previously published in B11.1 have been discontinued. These series were:
- Registered Financial Corporations' (RFCs') international assets of Australian-located operations: Total;
- RFCs' international assets of Australian-located operations of which: Residents;
- RFCs' international liabilities of Australian-located operations: Total; and
- RFCs' international liabilities of Australian-located operations of which: Residents.
Two data series previously published in B11.2 have also been discontinued. These series were:
- (Exposures in AUD terms) International exposures of the globally consolidated operations of banks and RFCs located in Australia: Foreign claims: Ultimate risk basis: By type of reporting entity: RFCs; and
- (Exposures in USD terms) International exposures of the globally consolidated operations of banks and RFCs located in Australia: Foreign claims: Ultimate risk basis: By type of reporting entity: RFCs.
New data series have been added to B12.1, B12.2, B13.1 and B13.2. Detailed exposures data split by financial instrument, currency, maturity and sector for four countries have been included in these four tables. These countries are: Cayman Islands; India; Indonesia; and Taiwan. Data series for ‘Other countries’ in these tables will also change reflecting the exclusion of the four countries.
8 January 2016
Indicative Mid Rates of Australian Government Securities – 2013 to Current – F16
Matured Bonds and yields up to the end of the 2015 calendar year have been removed from this table and integrated with yields in the Historical Data section. See the new historical table. The table name for yields from the start of 2016 to present has also been changed to Indicative Mid Rates of Australian Government Securities – F16.
2 November 2015
Real Exchange Rate Measures – F15
The Real G7 GDP-weighted index in the above table will be discontinued from 2016.
Assets of Financial Institutions – B1
Finance Companies & General Financiers – Selected Assets and
Liabilities – B10
A number of series in the above tables have been revised due to the availability of more accurate data. These largely reflect the inclusion of additional data on specific provisions and corrections to historical data.
30 October 2015
Growth in Selected Financial Aggregates – D1
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
Monetary Aggregates – D3
Bank Lending Classified by Sector – D5
A number of series in the above tables have been revised due to the availability of more accurate data. These largely reflect the inclusion of additional data on specific provisions, improvements to break-adjustments and corrections to historical data.
2 October 2015
Aggregate Measures of Australian Corporate Bond Spreads and Yields – F3
Statistical table F3 has been revised to reflect improvements to methodology and data. The revisions affect the entire time series. The methodology remains consistent with that described in Arsov, Brooks and Kosev (2013), ‘New Measures of Australian Corporate Credit Spreads’, RBA Bulletin December 2013.
The table layout, headings and notes have also been altered to emphasise that the yields and spreads are calculated for a target tenor, providing greater prominence to the effective tenor actually achieved for each observation. The distance between the effective tenor and the relevant target tenor should be considered when interpreting the data on spreads and yields. Ongoing publication of these series is reliant upon data availability; for example, the insufficient availability of bonds around a particular tenor could result in the non-publication of one or more series in the future. These data may be subject to further revisions for reasons such as improvements to methodology, changes to available data and/or reviews of data classifications or quality.
Future releases of table F3 will occur on the third business day of the month.
25 September 2015
Household and Business Balance Sheets – E1
The business sector series in the above table have been revised due to a change in definition. The business sector now refers to the private non-financial corporations sector, as published in ABS Cat No. 5232.0. The revisions affect the entire time series.
Household Finances – Selected Ratios – E2
The series in the above table have been revised to align the scope of the household sector to be consistent with the National Accounts. For further details see ‘Box B: Measuring Household Debt’ in Statement of Monetary Policy, August 2015. The revisions affect the entire time series.
11 September 2015
Indicator Lending Rates – F5
Three housing lending rate series have been added to Statistical Table F5 to reflect investor-specific rates now offered by banks.
Real Exchange Rate Measures – F15
The Real G7 GDP-weighted index in the above table has been revised due to a change in methodology. The revisions affect the data since 1999.
3 July 2015
Liabilities and Assets – Weekly – A1
Liabilities and Assets – Monthly – A1.1
Statistical table A1 has been updated to align with the data in the weekly Statement of Liabilities and Assets media release; see: Liabilities and Assets – Summary – A1. The disaggregated data is now provided in Liabilities and Assets – Detailed A1; although this data is now provided on a lagged basis of up to 4 months.
Statistical table A1.1 will no longer be updated, but past data is available on the Historical Data page.
1 April 2015
RBA Index of Commodity Prices – Table I2
The RBA Index of Commodity Prices has been reweighted according to an average of export values in 2012/13 and 2013/14 (previously it was 2011/12 and 2012/13). The index has been rebased so that the 2013/14 average is 100 (previously it was 2012/13).
12 June 2014
Inflation Expectations – G3
The break-even 10-year inflation rate series in the above table has been revised due to a change in methodology. The revisions affect the data since 1996.
2 June 2014
Commencing today, the Reserve Bank of Australia publishes its statistical tables in a redesigned format to improve the delivery of data to users. The re-design includes the publication of CSV (comma separated value) files, some consolidation of published data and renumbering of some existing tables to accommodate these changes.
Set out below are details of the changes to Statistical Tables implemented from today.
Liabilities and Assets – Monthly – A1
This table has been renumbered A1.1.
Selected Assets and Liabilities of the Private Non-financial Sectors – B20
This table has been renamed and renumbered Household and Business Balance Sheets – E1.
Household Finances – Selected Ratios – B21
This table has been renamed and renumbered Household Finances – Selected Ratios – E2.
Distribution of Household Balance Sheets – B22
This table has been renamed and renumbered Household Balance Sheets – Distribution – E3.
Distribution of Household Gearing – B23
This table has been renamed and renumbered Household Gearing – Distribution – E4.
Distribution of Household Financial Assets – B24
This table has been renamed and renumbered Household Financial Assets – Distribution – E5.
Distribution of Household Non-Financial Assets – B25
This table has been renamed and renumbered Household Non-Financial Assets – Distribution – E6.
Distribution of Household Debt – B26
This table has been renamed and renumbered Household Debt – Distribution - E7.
Bank Lending to Business – Fixed-rate Loans Outstanding by Size and by Interest Rate – D7
This table has been renumbered Bank Lending to Business – Fixed-rate Loans Outstanding by Size and by Interest Rate – D7.1.
Bank Lending to Business – Bills Outstanding by Size and by Interest Rate – D7
This table has been renumbered Bank Lending to Business – Bills Outstanding by Size and by Interest Rate – D7.2.
Bank Lending to Business – Total Credit Outstanding by Size and by Sector – D7
This table has been renumbered Bank Lending to Business – Total Credit Outstanding by Size and by Sector – D7.3.
Bank Lending to Business – New Credit Approvals by Size and by Purpose – D7
This table has been renumbered Bank Lending to Business – New Credit Approvals by Size and by Purpose – D7.4.
Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Monthly – F1
This table has been renumbered Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Monthly – F1.1.
Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – Monthly – F2
This table has been renumbered Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – Monthly – F2.1.
Domestic Banking Fee Income – F6
This table has been renumbered Domestic Banking Fee Income – C9.
Measures of Consumer Price Inflation – G1
This table has been renamed and merged with the table ‘Consumer Price Index – Analytical Series’ to make a new table ‘Consumer Price Inflation – G1’.
Consumer Price Index – G2
This table has been renamed Consumer Price Inflation – Expenditure Groups – G2.
Producer Price Indicators – G3
This table has been discontinued.
Other Price Indicators – G4
This table has been renamed and renumbered Inflation Expectations – G3
Index of Commodity Prices – G5
This table has been renamed and renumbered Commodity Prices – I2.
Labour Costs – G6
This table has been renamed and renumbered Labour Costs and Productivity – H4.
Labour Force – G7
This table has been renumbered Labour Force – H5.
Indicators of Spending and Confidence – G8
This table has been renamed and renumbered Monthly Activity Indicators – H3.
Rural Production – G9
This table has been discontinued.
Gross Domestic Product – G10
This table has been renamed and renumbered Gross Domestic Product and Income – H1.
Gross Domestic Product – Expenditure Components – G11
This table has been renamed and renumbered Demand and Income – H2.
Gross Domestic Product – Income Components – G12
This table has been discontinued.
Balance of Payments – Current Account – H1
This table has been merged with table Balance of Payments – Exports and Imports – H3 to make a new table International Trade and Balance of Payments – I1.
Balance of Payments – Financial Account – H2
This table has been renumbered Balance of Payments – Financial Account – I3.
Balance of Payments – Exports and Imports – H3
This table has been merged with table Balance of Payments – Current Account – H1 to make a new table International Trade and Balance of Payments – I1.
Australia's Gross Foreign Assets and Liabilities – H4
This table has been renumbered Australia's Gross Foreign Assets and Liabilities – I4.
Australia's Net Foreign Liabilities – H5
This table has been renumbered Australia's Net Foreign Liabilities – I5.
Real Gross Domestic Product – I1
This table has been discontinued.
Consumer Prices – I2
This table has been discontinued.
Unemployment – I3
This table has been discontinued.
Consumer Price Index – Analytical Series
This table has been merged with Consumer Price Inflation – G1.
Credit and Charge Card Statistics – Additional Credit Card Statistics
This table has been renamed and renumbered Credit and Charge Card Statistics – C1.1.
Exchange Rates – Daily – 2014 to Current
This table has been renumbered Exchange Rates – Daily – 2014 to Current – F11.1.
Zero-coupon Interest Rates – Analytical Series – 2009 to Current
This table has been renumbered Zero-coupon Interest Rates – Analytical Series – 2009 to Current – F17.
Zero-coupon Interest Rates – Analytical Series – 1992 to 2008
Moved to Historical Statistical Tables page: Zero-coupon Interest Rates – Analytical Series – 1992 to 2008 – F17
All other tables have the name and number as before.
Category Changes
The ‘Prices and Inflation’ category has been renamed ‘Inflation and Inflation Expectations’.
The ‘Balance of Payments and External Finance’ category has been renamed ‘International Trade and External Finance’.
A new category ‘Household and Business Finance’ was created.
2 May 2014
International Market Interest Rates and Government Security Yields – F14
A number of data series have been deleted from the table – some due to their discontinuation, and subsequently others to report consistent rates across countries.
1 April 2014
RBA Index of Commodity Prices – Table G5
The RBA Index of Commodity Prices has been reweighted according to an average of export values in 2011/12 and 2012/13 (previously it was 2010/11 and 2011/12). The index has been rebased so that the 2012/13 average is 100 (previously it was 2011/12).
Assets of Financial Institutions – B1
Money Market Corporations – Selected Assets & Liabilities – B9
Finance Companies & General Financiers – Selected Assets &
Liabilities – B10
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions
Survey – D12
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Consolidated Survey – D13
A number of data series in the above tables have been revised due to the availability of more accurate data. These largely reflect the reclassification of two money market corporations as finance companies, the inclusion of additional credit unions and corrections to historical data.
31 March 2014
Lending and Credit Aggregates – D2
Monetary Aggregates – D3
A number of data series in the above tables have been revised due to the availability of more accurate data. These largely reflect the inclusion of additional credit unions and corrections to historical data.
10 January 2014
Banks – On-balance Sheet Assets, Liabilities and Off-balance Sheet Business – B2
Data series on banks' on-balance sheet assets and liabilities that were previously published in B2 have been discontinued. Banks' on-balance sheet statistics are published by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) in its Monthly Banking Statistics, which is available on APRA's website. These data are published by APRA on the last business day of each month, the same day as the data previously published by the RBA.
From today, B2 will be renamed ‘Banks – Off-balance Sheet Business – B2’. This table will now only include data on banks' off-balance sheet business, and series breaks and notes related to these data.
The discontinued data series on banks' on-balance sheet assets and liabilities, as well as the series breaks and notes for these data, are now shown in ‘Banks – On-balance Sheet Assets, Liabilities and Off-balance Sheet Business – B2’ in ‘Discontinued Data’. Links to the APRA website are included in External Links – APRA Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADI) Statistics.
19 December 2013
Capital Market Yields and Spreads – Non-government Instruments – F3
This table has been discontinued and is being replaced by a new statistical table ‘Aggregate Measures of Australian Corporate Bond Spreads and Yields – F3’ from December 2013 onwards. The new statistical table provides a more detailed source of information to examine developments in Australian corporate credit markets, particularly at longer maturities. For information on the construction of the new aggregate measures of credit spreads and yields see Arsov, Brooks and Kosev (2013), ‘New Measures of Australian Corporate Credit Spreads’, RBA Bulletin December.
12 November 2013
Open Market Operations – A3
To coincide with the commencement of RBA Open Repurchase Agreements (Repos) this table has been revised to include information on balances held in Exchange Settlement (ES) accounts, Long-dated Market Operations purchases and outstanding Repo portfolio and transaction balances.
15 October 2013
Commonwealth Government Securities Classified by Holder
– E3
Maturity Structure of Non-official Holdings of Commonwealth Government
Securities – E8
Commonwealth Government Securities Classified by Holder as at 30 June –
Commonwealth Government Securities on Issue – E10
Net Lending of All Public Authorities – E11
Turnover of Selected Commonwealth Government Securities – E12.
The market for Commonwealth Government securities (CGS) has recently undergone several infrastructure changes. These changes have resulted in some amendments to statistics published by the Reserve Bank on the CGS market. The main reason why these tables have been discontinued is because the data have become increasingly unreliable over time or are available from alternative sources. A detailed explanation is available in Becker, Lees and Zurawski (2013) ‘Infrastructure Developments in the Market for Commonwealth Government Securities’, RBA Bulletin September.
Australian Government Budget – E1 (Monthly and Annual)
These tables have been discontinued because the data are available from the Department of Finance website in the release ‘Australian Government Monthly Financial Statements'
Australian Government Budget Deficit and Changes in Holdings of Debt – E2
This table is being discontinued because the data is either publically available from the Department of Finance and the AOFM, or because the Reserve Bank estimates based on Austraclear holdings have become increasingly unreliable over time. The Reserve Bank estimates were based on Table E3 which has been discontinued. See also Becker, Lees and Zurawski (2013) ‘Infrastructure Developments in the Market for Commonwealth Government Securities’, RBA Bulletin September.
18 September 2013
Indicative Mid-Rates of Commonwealth Government Securities – 2013 to Current – F16
Indicative and executable yields in this table are sourced from Yieldbroker Pty Limited.
12 July 2013
Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Daily – F1
Data on the average transaction amount and range of weighted average rates at which banks transact in the domestic interbank market for overnight unsecured funds have been introduced to provide greater detail on the surveyed transactions underpinning the interbank rate reported in Table F1.
20 June 2013
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Central Bank
Survey – Table D11
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions
Survey – Table D12
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Consolidated Survey – Table
A number of series in Tables D11, D12 and D13 have been revised to more closely align with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) statistical guidelines. These revisions largely reflect changes in the treatment of some assets and liabilities and the reclassifications of some counterparties.
28 May 2013
Banks – Assets – Table B02
Banks – Liabilities – Table B03
Banks – Consolidated Group Off-Balance Sheet Business – Table B04
Banks – Consolidated Group Impaired Assets – Table B05
Banks – Consolidated Group Capital – Table B06
Building Societies – Selected Assets and Liabilities – Table B07
Credit Unions – Selected Assets and Liabilities – Table B08
Three tables – B02, B03, and B04 – have been merged and the merged table renamed ‘Banks – On-balance Sheet Assets, Liabilities and Off-balance Sheet Business – Table B02’. The same data series from the three original tables will continue to be published in the new B02 table, though their presentation is now different. There are now separate data sheets for banks’ on-balance sheet assets, on-balance sheet liabilities, and off-balance sheet business. Data for banks’ on-balance sheet assets and liabilities will continue to be published on a monthly basis, and data on banks' off-balance sheet business will continue to be published on a quarterly basis. The notes for this table have been expanded to include those previously included in B02, B03, and B04. There are also three separate sheets for series breaks that include those previously included in the separate tables.
Four tables have been discontinued – B05, B06, B07, and B08. From today, these data are published by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) on its website. A new APRA publication, ‘Quarterly ADI Performance’, contains a range of data for authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), including on-balance sheet assets and liabilities, capital adequacy, profitability, impaired facilities, and asset performance ratios. As the data series in the four discontinued RBA tables have an earlier start date compared to the APRA data, the discontinued RBA tables are now shown in ‘Historical Statistics’, together with links to the APRA website where its data are published.
An explanatory note outlines further details.
21 May 2013
Indicative Mid Rates of Commonwealth Government Securities – 2009 to Current – F16
The dealer survey of 4.30 pm mid-rates of Treasury Bonds conducted by the RBA has been discontinued. From 20 May 2013, 4.30 pm mid-rates for Treasury Bonds will be sourced from Yieldbroker Pty Limited and will be based upon executable quotes. The 4.30 pm mid-rates of Capital Index Bonds will continue to be sourced from a survey of bond dealers conducted by the Bank.
Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market - Daily – F1
From 20 May 2013, the dealer survey of 4.30 pm Treasury Note closing yields conducted by the RBA has been discontinued.
2 May 2013
International Share Price Indices – F8
Singapore's ‘Straits Times’ index has been replaced with China's ‘Shanghai A’ index to better reflect the importance of Chinese financial markets to the region. For the Shanghai A index, 31 December 1992 = 100.
12 April 2013
Average Merchant Fees for Debit, Credit and Charge Cards – Table C3
Data on average merchant fees relating to eftpos debit card transactions have been introduced to broaden the scope of Table C3 (previously called ‘Merchant Fees for Credit and Charge Cards’).
Debit Card Statistics – Table C5
A number of data series in Table C5 have been consolidated. Previously, eftpos transactions were reported separately from MasterCard and Visa ‘scheme debit’ transactions. With the establishment of eftpos Payments Australia Limited (ePAL) to manage the eftpos system as a scheme, the eftpos and scheme debit purchase transaction data have been combined. Cash-out transactions using debit cards continue to be reported separately.
2 April 2013
RBA Index of Commodity Prices – Table G5
The RBA Index of Commodity Prices has been rebased so that the 2011/12 average is 100 (previously it was 2008/09). Changes have also been made to the construction of the RBA Index of Commodity Prices and data series have been added to Table G5 which measure movements in the spot prices and average export prices of bulk commodities. For further information on the changes to Table G5 see Robinson T and H Wang (2013), ‘Changes to the RBA Index of Commodity Prices: 2013’, RBA Bulletin, March, pp 23–28.
22 February 2013
Labour Costs – Table G6
The frequency of the average weekly earnings series presented in this table has changed from quarterly to biannual. A series break occurs at May 2012, with data from this point onwards now being published biannually.
31 January 2013
Foreign Exchange Turnover – Against Australian Dollars and Against All Currencies – Tables F9 – F10
From 2013, these statistical tables will be published on a quarterly basis, rather than monthly. The tables will now only present data on daily average foreign exchange turnover for the months of January, April, July and October. These changes reflect changes to the frequency with which the RBA collects data from survey respondents.
20 December 2012
International Banking Statistics – Banks and RFCs – Tables B11.1–B13.2.1
On 12 October 2012, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) advised banks and Registered Financial Corporations (RFCs) that report International Banking Statistics to APRA that these data will now be non-confidential. This followed a consultation with these entities that ended on 31 July 2012. With these changes, the Reserve Bank of Australia will now publish these data fully in Statistical Tables B11.1–B13.2.1, without the restrictions that had previously been applied to avoid disclosing the confidential exposures of individual entities. The changes have been applied to the data retrospectively.
Further details about APRA's consultation on confidentiality of international exposures data are available on its website.
14 December 2012
Other Price Indicators – Table G4
The Melbourne Institute introduced a trimmed mean measure of consumers' inflation expectations in November 2012. The new trimmed mean measure excludes the highest 25 per cent and lowest 25 per cent of responses to the Melbourne Institute Survey of Consumer Inflationary Expectations. The new trimmed mean measure replaces the median measure of ‘Consumers’ inflation expectations' previously published in Table G4.
7 December 2012
Reserve Bank of Australia – Banknotes on Issue by Denomination – New Table A6
The data covers the value of all banknotes in circulation, by denomination. Coins are excluded. Prior to June 2008 data are to the last Wednesday in each month.
7 November 2012
Open Market Operations – Table A3
This statistical table has been split into three tables to cover three date ranges. The first table records Open Market Operations from 2003 to 2008, the second table covers 2009 to 2011 and the third table 2012 onwards. In the 2012 onwards table, we revised the ‘Outright Transaction Details’ worksheet to be consistent with details of transactions contracted under Open Market Operations that are now published to the Reuters and Bloomberg wire services.
‘Australian Government’ and ‘State & Territory Government Bonds’ have been combined into ‘Bonds with a Residual Maturity of Less than 18 Months’. The ‘Ticker’ has been replaced with the details of the Bond's Issuer, Coupon and Maturity Date.
‘State & Territory Government Discount Securities’ has been replaced with ‘Discount Securities’ and includes securities issued by the State & Territory Governments as well as the Commonwealth's Treasury Note issues, which were previously recorded under ‘Australian Government’. Details have also been added for the Issuer and Maturity Date of securities transacted.
5 November 2012
Producer Price Indicators – Table G3
In the September quarter 2012, the reference period for the Producer Price Indexes was changed to 2011–12. Index numbers are now set to 100.0 for the financial year 2011–12.
25 October 2012
Consumer Price Index – Table G2
In the September quarter 2012, the reference period for the CPI was changed from 1989–90 to 2011–12. Index numbers are now set to 100.0 for the financial year 2011–12. Period-to-period percentage changes may differ slightly to those previously published due to rounding and the re-referencing. These differences do not constitute a revision.
1 June 2012
Capital Market Yields and Spreads – Non-government Instruments – Table F3
Minor revisions have been made to the data prior to May 2012. To be included in the series, bonds now only require a rating by any one of the three major rating agencies. Previously, only bonds rated by S&P were included. Secondly, some bonds issued by Australian subsidiaries of international corporates have been reclassified and are now included in the data. There has been a small increase to the number of bonds included in the series, as a result of these revisions.
2 May 2012
Retail Deposit and Investment Rates – Table F4
The ‘building societies' transaction accounts’ and ‘credit unions' transaction accounts’ have been discontinued as a result of a number of the largest building societies and credit unions renaming as mutual banks. A new series, ‘mutual ADIs' transaction accounts’ has been added to the table, which captures transaction rates for deposit taking institutions with a mutual corporate structure.
15 March 2012
Zero-coupon Interest Rates – Analytical Series –
2009 to Current
Zero-coupon Interest Rates – Analytical Series – 1992 to 2008
These tables give estimated daily zero-coupon yield, forward and discount curves in quarter-year increments out to 10 years into the future. The yield and forward curves are continuously compounded. No attempt is made to adjust for any risk premia, for example term premia. For more information on the construction of these curves see Appendix A of ‘A Term Structure Decompomposition of the Australian Yield Curve’, RBA Research Dicussion Paper 2008–09 and Finlay, R and D Olivan (2012), ‘Extracting Information from Financial Market Instruments’, RBA Bulletin, March, pp 45–54.
Distribution of Household Balance Sheets – Table
Distribution of Household Gearing – Table B23
Distribution of Household Financial Assets – Table B24
Distribution of Household Non-Financial Assets – Table B25
Distribution of Household Debt – Table B26
These tables give distributional data on household balance sheets in 2002, 2006 and 2010. They are based on household level data contained in wave 10 of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey. For more information see Finlay, R (2012), ‘The Distribution of Household Wealth in Australia: Evidence from the 2010 HILDA Survey’, RBA Bulletin, March, pp 19–27.
5 January 2012
Share Market – Table F7
The ‘S&P/ASX 200 Banks’, ‘S&P/ASX 200 Industrials’ and ‘S&P/ASX 200 Resources’ series have been rebased to 5 July 2002 = 3215, the first date that all of these indices are published from. The base value is the value of the S&P/ASX 200 on that day and corrects an inconsistency in the bases that were previously used. Some minor changes to the notes have also been made.
15 December 2011
Daily Foreign Exchange Market Intervention Transactions – Table A5
Both the ‘Market’ and ‘Government and other counterparties’ measures of RBA Net Foreign Exchange Transactions have been replaced with a single new series of RBA Daily Foreign Exchange Market Intervention Transactions. Accordingly, the title of the table has also been changed from ‘Reserve Bank of Australia – Daily Net Foreign Exchange Transactions’ to ‘Reserve Bank of Australia – Daily Foreign Exchange Market Intervention Transactions’. The new series is a considerably more accurate record of the RBA's foreign exchange market interventions from 1989 onwards, although it should not be considered definitive. It has been created by applying a filter to the daily foreign exchange transactions series and utilising institutional knowledge to refine the results. These data will be updated annually following the release of the RBA Annual Report. For further information on the RBA's foreign exchange market intervention transactions, see Newman V, C Potter and M Wright (2011), ‘Foreign Exchange Market Intervention’, RBA Bulletin, December, pp 67–76.
31 October 2011
Bank Lending Classified by Sector – Table D5
The ‘Commercial lending – Non-financial sector’ series has been renamed to ‘Commercial lending – Business sector’. This series has also been made consistent with the construction of the RBA's measure of business credit; in addition to loans outstanding to businesses on the balance sheet of banks, it now includes selected debt securities held by banks and bills on issue.
27 October 2011
Measures of Consumer Price Inflation – Table G1
Consumer Price Index – Table G2
The Measures of Consumer Price Inflation and Consumer Price Index tables have been amended to incorporate changes associated with the introduction of the 16th series of the CPI in the September quarter CPI release. Measures of Consumer Price Inflation now includes the seasonally adjusted CPI published by the ABS. The names of expenditure groups in the Consumer Price Index table have been revised to reflect the 16th series terminology but series identifiers remain the same.
16 September 2011
Measures of Consumer Price Inflation – Table G1
The ‘Weighted median’ and ‘Trimmed mean’ under the heading ‘Other consumer price measures’ have been revised to reflect the revised seasonal factors as per the ABS information paper ‘Seasonal Adjustment of Consumer Price Indexes, 2011’. From the September quarter 2002, the ‘Weighted median’ and ‘Trimmed mean’ data are as released in the information paper. Data for the period prior to September 2002 are calculated by the RBA using seasonal factors provided by the ABS. Note that the results in the ABS information paper are preliminary and are subject to revision when the September quarter 2011 CPI data are released. ‘Weighted median’ and ‘Trimmed mean’ price measures to two decimal places will no longer be published in the table as these data are no longer available from the ABS.
8 April 2011
Measures of Consumer Price Inflation – Table G1
The ‘All groups excluding interest charges and the tax changes of 1999–2000’ series in the ‘Consumer Price Index – Analytical Series’ table has been added to statistical table G1 under the heading ‘Consumer price index’. These data will continue to be published in the ‘Consumer Price Index – Analytical Series’ table.
21 October 2010
International Banking Statistics
Commencing today, the Reserve Bank of Australia has implemented changes to the tables for International Banking Statistics (IBS). Statistical table Assets, Liabilities and Exposures – B11 will no longer be updated because the data are duplicated in statistical table Assets and Liabilities – Additional Locational Data (now numbered B11.1), and Exposures – Additional Consolidated Data (now numbered B11.2). The statistical tables for the IBS have also been renumbered to assist users with searching.
9 July 2010
Labour Force – Table G7
The ‘Aggregate hours worked’ data in this statistical table have been replaced with the labour force survey measure of total monthly hours worked. This series is now consistent with the other labour force survey data in the table. Previously ‘Aggregate hours worked’ data were sourced from the national accounts and referred to total hours worked on a quarterly basis and included hours worked by defence personnel.
The job vacancies series is now reported in the reference month of each survey rather than the end month of the quarter.
14 May 2010
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Central Bank
Survey – Table D11
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions
Survey – Table D12
Monetary Statistics (IMF Framework) – Consolidated Survey – Table D13
Three tables have been added to show the monetary statistics survey using the International Monetary Fund (IMF) statistical framework. The consolidated survey comprises data for two subsectors, namely the central bank and authorised deposit-taking institutions. The surveys are based on the accounting identity underlying the sectoral balance sheets and are in accordance with international standards contained in the IMF Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual 2000. The tables will be published on a monthly basis.
12 May 2010
Market Shares of Credit and Charge Card Schemes – Table C2
Changes have been introduced to Table C2 to exclude scheme debit transactions from the market share data. All new market share data will be calculated based on credit and charge card transactions only. Historical data from March 2008 have been revised to remove scheme debit transactions. Data on scheme debit transactions are available in Debit Card Statistics – Table C5. For further information on the changes to Table C2 see Exclusion of Scheme Debit Transactions from Table C2.
15 April 2010
Turnover of Selected Commonwealth Government Securities – Table E12
Data series have been added to this table which show the total Treasury bonds on issue since September 2006. These data were previously published as part of the weekly Turnover of Selected Government Securities press release, which the Reserve Bank will no longer publish.
14 April 2010
Open Market Operations – 2009 to Current – Table A3
A series which shows for future dates the value of repurchase agreements scheduled to unwind has been added to the statistical table A3.
6 April 2010
US Dollar Exchange Rates and Gold Price – Table F12
The data in this statistical table have been adjusted to make them compatible with the data in statistical table F11. Previously, USD rates were the exchange rates prevailing at the New York close on the last trading day of each month. The new figures are calculated by crossing the USD/AUD rate with other AUD/currency rates prevailing at the 4.00 pm Sydney Fix on the last day of the month, as shown in statistical table F11. The full history in statistical table F12 has been revised.
23 March 2010
Treasury Note Tenders – 1989–2006 – Table E4
Treasury Bond Tenders – 1982–2006 – Table E5
Treasury Bond Tenders – Amount Allotted, by Years to Maturity – 1982–2006
Table E5
Treasury Bond Switch Tenders – 2008 – Table E6
Treasury Capital Indexed Bonds – 1985–2006 – Table E7
Tenders of Commonwealth Government Securities have been conducted by the Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) since October 2006. The Reserve Bank of Australia will no longer update these tables as the data are produced by the AOFM and available from their website. Data on tenders conducted by the Reserve Bank are contained in the historical data section of the website.
21 January 2010
The December 2009 edition of the Reserve Bank Bulletin (released on 17 December) was the last in a monthly format, which until that date included a set of Statistical Tables. From 2010 the Bulletin has been refocused as a quarterly publication of articles and speeches, with the first quarterly Bulletin published on 11 March 2010.
Commencing today the Reserve Bank of Australia has implemented a new data release policy. The historical data files that were previously updated monthly on the Bank's website on the day of release of the hard copy Bulletin (third Thursday each month) are now published on the website as Statistical Tables and updated as data become available (refer to Publication Schedule). Subsequent changes to the Statistical Tables (such as new tables and/or changes to series in the existing tables) will be notified in this document in descending chronological order.
Details of earlier changes to the former Bulletin Statistical Tables are available in Changes to Bulletin Tables – 2000 to 2009.
Set out below are details of changes to Statistical Tables implemented on 21 January.
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- Reserve Bank of Australia – Liabilities and Assets – Monthly and Weekly – Table A1
- Reserve Bank of Australia – Open Market Operations – Table A3
- Reserve Bank of Australia – Daily Net Foreign Exchange Transactions – New Table A5
- Managed Funds – Table B18
- Household Finances – Selected Ratios – Table B21
- Monetary Aggregates – Table D3
- Australian Government Budget – Annual – Table E1
- Turnover of Selected Commonwealth Government Securities – New Table E12
- Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Daily and Monthly – Table F1
- Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – Daily and Monthly – Table F2
- Retail Deposit and Investment Rates – Table F4
- Foreign Exchange Turnover Against Australian Dollars – Table F9
- Foreign Exchange Turnover Against All Currencies – Table F10
- Exchange Rates – Daily and Monthly – Table F11
- Real Exchange Rate Measures – New Table F15
- Indicative Mid Rates of Commonwealth Government Securities – Table F16
- Measures of Consumer Price Inflation – Table G1
- Balance of Payments – Current Account – Monthly – Table H1
- Balance of Payments – Current Account – Quarterly – Table H1
- Exports and Imports of Goods and Services – Table H3
- International Economic Statistics – Real Gross Domestic Product – Table I1
- International Economic Statistics – Consumer Prices – Table I2
- International Economic Statistics – Unemployment – Table I3
Reserve Bank of Australia – Liabilities and Assets – Monthly and Weekly – Table A1
Assets in Table A1 have been amended, with the series for the RBA's holdings of Australian Government securities replacing the previous series for holdings of Australian Government Treasury notes. Australian Government securities previously reported in the ‘Other’ series have been reclassified.
Reserve Bank of Australia – Open Market Operations – Table A3
This statistical table has been adjusted to become consistent with the daily Open Market Operations spreadsheet previously published on the RBA website. Details of repurchase agreements now appear on separate worksheets labelled as ‘Govt & Quasi-Govt Repo Details’ and ‘Private Securities Repo Details’. ‘RP weighted average term’ and ‘RP weighted average rate’ have been replaced with data relating to each term dealt and recorded on the additional worksheets. Details on outright securities transactions contracted under Open Market Operations have also been added. In addition, the statistical table has been split into two ranges of dates, the first recording open market operations from 2003 to 2008, and the second from 2009 onwards.
Reserve Bank of Australia – Daily Net Foreign Exchange Transactions – New Table A5
This table publishes the value of daily net foreign exchange transactions undertaken by the RBA. Updates to the table will be published annually with a one-year lag.
RBA transactions are divided into two types. Market transactions include transactions undertaken with authorised foreign exchange dealers in Australia or overseas. Transactions with Government and other counterparties include foreign exchange transactions with the Australian Government, outright transactions with other central banks and international financial institutions that are not intended to affect the exchange rate, and transactions with clients other than the Australian Government.
Managed Funds – Table B18
Table B18 now includes more detail on the sources of managed funds, specifically data on funds from ‘other domestic’ and ‘overseas’ sources. Data on the asset allocation of domestic managed fund institutions have also been added.
Household Finances – Selected Ratios – Table B21
The ‘Interest payments to disposable income – total’ and ‘Interest payments to disposable income – housing’ are now calculated by the Reserve Bank using average interest rates on outstanding housing and other personal debt. These were previously calculated using unpublished ABS data, which have been discontinued. Prior to 1993, the ABS series are used.
Monetary Aggregates – Table D3
Some minor changes to series titles have been introduced for consistency.
Australian Government Budget – Annual – Table E1
The table includes a new series ‘Latest Budget estimate’. This shows the latest Budget estimates for the current financial year. This series was previously only available in the hard copy version of the table published in the Bulletin, which has been discontinued.
Turnover of Selected Commonwealth Government Securities – New Table E12
These data, which were previously published on the RBA website for only the previous week, are now provided in a time series starting in September 1997.
Interest Rates and Yields – Money Market – Daily and Monthly – Table F1
A series for the cash rate target has been added to the table, as have 1-, 3– and 6-month Treasury Note yields. This table also replaces data previously updated daily on the RBA website in ‘Interest Rates and Yields: Money Market and Commonwealth Government Securities’, which was an extension to Occasional Paper No 10.
Capital Market Yields – Government Bonds – Daily and Monthly – Table F2
A series for 2-year Australian Government bonds yields has been added to the table. This table also replaces data previously updated daily on the RBA website in ‘Interest Rates and Yields: Money Market and Commonwealth Government Securities’, which was an extension to Occasional Paper No 10.
Retail Deposit and Investment Rates – Table F4
Table F4 now includes data on the average indicator rate offered by the five largest banks across all of their term deposits as well as the average indicator rate on their term deposit ‘specials’.
Foreign Exchange Turnover Against Australian
Dollars – Table
Foreign Exchange Turnover Against All Currencies – Table F10
Tables F9 and F10 now contain turnover of an additional foreign exchange instrument – currency swaps. The series begins in March 2007, and is added to the total turnover series.
Exchange Rates – Daily and Monthly – Table F11
The format of Table F11 has been changed to facilitate an expansion of coverage to include all currencies in the TWI plus the SDR. It has been split in two, to cover 1969 to 2009, and 2010 onwards.
Real Exchange Rate Measures – New Table F15
The real exchange rate measures that were previously published in a separate spreadsheet on the Reserve Bank website will now be included in a new statistical table, F15, with details of their calculation shown in the accompanying Notes.
Indicative Mid Rates of Commonwealth Government Securities – Table F16
This table, which was already published on the RBA website, has been moved to the new Statistics page and split in two – 1992 to 2008, and 2009 to current – to facilitate downloading.
Measures of Consumer Price Inflation – Table G1
The RBA underlying measures shown to two decimal places have been added to this table.
Balance of Payments – Current Account
– Monthly – Table H1
Balance of Payments – Current Account – Quarterly – Table H1
These tables have been renamed ‘Exports and Imports – Monthly’ and ‘Balance of Payments – Current Account’.
Exports and Imports of Goods and Services – Table H3
This table has been renamed ‘Balance of Payments – Exports and Imports’.
International Economic Statistics – Real
Gross Domestic
Product – Table I1
International Economic Statistics – Consumer Prices – Table I2
International Economic Statistics – Unemployment – Table I3
All series in these tables are now available in downloadable Excel format. The base year for data in Table I1 has been changed to 2000 = 100.